
[美剧] 世界大战/The World Wars 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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[美剧] 世界大战/The World Wars  全集第1季第1集剧本完整版

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该节目把第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战「串联起来」,描述了1914年到1945年一条完整的时间线上的故事(一战时罗斯福、希特勒、佩顿、墨索里尼、斯大林、丘吉尔等人还只是30岁左右的年轻人,二战时已变成风云人物)。历史频道自称这是「同类节目中首创的叙事手法」。 [展开全文]



1 President: This summer marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War.


And the beginning of a period that saw two of the deadliest conflicts in our history.

=> 而且这个时期开始了我们历史上两个最致命的冲突。

It's a chance to remember those who died.

=> 记住那些死去的人是一个机会。

For their brothers, for their country and for the freedom we enjoy today.

=> 为了他们的兄弟,为了他们的国家,为了我们今天享有的自由。

And its a chance to honor the courage and bravery of all those who stepped forward and answered the call to serve.

=> 这是一个机会,尊重所有的人的勇气和勇敢,上前,回答了服务的呼吁。

Men like my Grandfather who marched through France as a member of Patton's army.

=> 男人们喜欢我的祖父,他是通过法国游行成为巳顿军队的一员。

Women like my Grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line while he was gone.

=> 女人像祖母一样,在离开的时候曾经在轰炸机装配线上工作过。

So as we listen to the stories of the leaders like Roosevelt and Churchill, let's also remember the citizens whose names will never appear on monuments or in textbooks.

=> 所以当我们听罗斯福和丘吉尔这样的领导人的故事的时候,还要记住那些名字永远不会出现在纪念碑或教科书上的公民。

Men and Women who stood firm in the face of evil and in the years since have taken their rightful place in history.

=> 面对邪恶和多年来站稳脚跟的男女已经在历史上占据了应有的位置。

May their sacrifice never be forgotten.

=> 愿他们的牺牲永远不会被忘记。

[Intense orchestral music] [Gas hissing] [Gasping] [Coughs] [Crickets chirping] [Dramatic orchestral music] [Symphonic techno music] Narrator: Over a 30-year period, from 1914 to 1945 more than 100 million people will die in the bloodiest conflict the world has ever seen.

=> [激烈的管弦乐] [嘶嘶声] [喘息] [咳嗽] [蟋蟀鸣叫] [戏剧管弦乐] [交响乐技巧音乐]讲述者:从1914年到1945年的30年间,超过1亿人死亡世界上所见过的最血腥的冲突。

But it all began in the slums of Vienna.

=> 但这一切都始于维也纳的贫民窟。

[Thunder booming] At age 25, Adolf Hitler is a poor loner, an aspiring artist, struggling to survive.

=> [Thunder蓬勃发展] 25岁时,希特勒是一个贫穷的孤独者,一个有抱负的艺术家,挣扎求存。

Both his parents are dead [Thunder booming] Leaving Hitler truly alone in the world.

=> 他的父母都死了(雷声隆隆)让希特勒真正独自留在世上。

He was a lost soul.

=> 他是一个迷失的灵魂。

He wanted to be an artist, but he couldn't get into the art school, and he ended up living in a flophouse.

=> 他想成为一名艺术家,但是他无法进入艺术学校,最终生活在一个垃圾场。

Narrator: Left without any means of support, his only way to make money is selling paintings around town for next to nothing.

=> 旁白:没有任何支持的手段,他唯一的赚钱方式就是在城镇周围卖画。

Hitler didn't have a plan B when he was rejected.

=> 希特勒被拒绝时没有计划B.

He just didn't know what to do.

=> 他只是不知道该怎么做。

So he started to drift.

=> 所以他开始漂移了。

He had very little money.

=> 他有很少的钱。

He was living in a hand-to-mouth existence.

=> 他生活在一个人的口中。

He had no clear aim in life at all.

=> 他根本没有明确的生活目标。

He was, in a sense, waiting for something to happen.

=> 从某种意义上说,他是在等待发生的事情。

Narrator: Before long, a chance event 450 miles away will change everything.

=> 旁白:不久之后,450英里以外的机会事件将改变一切。

June 28, 1914.

=> 1914年6月28日

[Explosion] An assassin takes down the Archduke of Austria-Hungary.

=> [爆炸]一名刺客杀死了奥匈帝国的大公。

The murder ignites a deadly conflict that quickly erupts into war.

=> 谋杀引发了一场迅速爆发为战争的致命冲突。

From the tangle of alliances two sides emerge.

=> 从联盟的纠结中,出现了双方。

Britain, France, and Russia become known as the Allies, while Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire form the Central Powers.

=> 英国,法国和俄罗斯成为盟国,而奥匈帝国,德国和奥斯曼帝国则成为中央大国。

Filled with a patriotic sense of urgency, men on both sides rush to join the fight.

=> 充满爱国紧迫感的双方男子匆忙加入战斗。

For Hitler, it's the opportunity he's been waiting for.

=> 对于希特勒来说,这是他一直在等待的机会。

He quickly rushes to enlist.

=> 他赶紧赶去招募。

He tried out for the Austrian army.

=> 他尝试了奥地利军队。

He failed the physical.

=> 他身体不好。

He wasn't considered strong enough to carry a rifle.

=> 他被认为没有足够的强度来携带步枪。

Narrator: Rejected by his own country, Hitler turns to the German army who's accepting almost anyone as they worked to build the largest fighting force in the world.

=> 叙述者:被自己的国家所拒绝,希特勒转而向接近几乎任何人的德国军队努力打造世界上最大的战斗力量。

[Bells tolling] Germany has finally given Hitler what he's always wanted: A place to belong.

=> [钟声响起]德国终于给了希特勒他一直想要的东西:属于一个地方。

I think that the decision to enter the military for most people is not a decision to serve.

=> 我认为,对大多数人进军的决定不是服务的决定。

It may be in a very general sense, but it's more often because something else is motivating you.

=> 这可能是一般意义上的,但更多的是因为别的东西在激励着你。

Zwei! Drei! Vier! Narrator: Throughout August of 1914, Hitler trains as a Private in the German army.

=> ZWEI!德雷伊! VIER!旁白:1914年8月,希特勒在德国军队中作为私人训练。

Well, the German army was considered to be the finest army in the world.

=> 那么德国军队被认为是世界上最好的军队。

It was a massive force well equipped, well trained, and very well led, and Hitler was swept away.

=> 这是一支装备精良,训练有素,领导力很强的强大力量,希特勒被冲走了。

Being part of the German army was something that Hitler deeply loved.

=> 作为德军的一员,是希特勒深深爱戴的。

Narrator: The structure of training transforms Hitler into a devout German soldier.

=> 旁白:训练的结构把希特勒变成一个虔诚的德国士兵。

Hitler joins 1 1/2 million Germans marching towards the French border and the unified Allied forces.

=> 希特勒加入了150万德国人向法国边界和统一的盟军进军。

In the history of warfare, armies this large have never met in combat.

=> 在战争史上,这个大军从未在战斗中见过。

America has nothing to do with the war in Europe.

=> 美国与欧洲的战争无关。

They're in their own war with Pancho Villa.

=> 他们正在与Pancho Villa进行自己的战争。

[Hooves rumbling] [Gunshots] The Mexican Revolutionary is carrying out violent attacks on U.

=> [咕咕叫] [枪声]墨西哥革命者正在对美国进行暴力袭击。



citizens along the southwestern border.

=> 沿西南边界的公民。

But he goes too far.

=> 但是他太过分了。

[Gunshots ricocheting] Villa and his men seize an American mining train, brutally killing 16 innocent Americans, leaving the U.

=> 别墅和他的手下抓住了美国的一列火车,残忍地杀害了16名无辜的美国人,离开了美国。



military no choice but to take action.

=> 军方别无选择,只能采取行动。

Nearly 5,000 American troops cross the Mexican border to take down Villa.

=> 近五千名美国军队越过墨西哥边界取下别墅。

But fighting a guerrilla force with a traditional army is next to impossible.

=> 但是用传统的军队打一支游击队几乎是不可能的。

[Gunshot] One army Captain is determined to find a different way.

=> [枪声]一名陆军上尉决心寻找不同的方式。

His name is George S.

=> 他的名字是乔治S.


=> 巴顿。

Patton's ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War; they fought in the Civil War.

=> 巳顿的祖先在革命战争中作战;他们在内战中进行了战斗。

He grew up wanting to be a military hero.

=> 他长大后想成为一名军事英雄。

He has a reputation for being smart, tough, and for being ruthless.

=> 他有一个聪明,强硬和冷酷的名声。

And he has another quality that's essential in military leadership.

=> 而且他还有另外一个在军事领导力方面很重要的素质。

He understands the power of technology, and he doesn't want to fight with cavalry and with horses.

=> 他了解技术的力量,他不想与骑兵和马匹作战。

So the car is fairly new.


If you strap a gun to a car, you've got a new instrument of warfare.

=> 如果你把一把枪绑在汽车上,你就有了一种新的战争手段。

Narrator: What Patton doesn't know is that he's about to revolutionize warfare.

=> 旁白:巴顿不知道的是,他正在为战争发生革命性的变化。

I think Patton knew only one direction, and that was forward.

=> 我认为巴顿只知道一个方向,而那是前进的。

He had a lot of charisma.

=> 他有很多魅力。

He was a very colorful leader.

=> 他是一个非常丰富多彩的领导。

I thought he was very egotistical, and that's fine as long as you translate that into good leadership.

=> 我认为他是非常自负的,只要你把它转化为良好的领导才行。

But maybe a little bit over the top.

=> 但也许有点超过顶部。

Narrator: Almost immediately, Patton is able to put his plan into action [Motor rumbling] And he launches a surprise raid on Pancho Villa's camp.

=> 旁白:几乎马上,巳顿能够把他的计划付诸行动[摩托车轰鸣]他发起了一个惊喜袭击潘乔别墅的营地。

Faster! Got 'em on the run.

=> 更快!得到他们在奔跑。

Go! Faster! Get down! [Gunfire] Let's go, let's go! Narrator: The bandits are no match for Patton and his mobile army, and by the end of the fight, three of villa's men have been killed, including his second-in-command.

=> 走!更快!下来! [枪声]走吧,走吧!旁白:匪徒与巳顿及其机动军队不相配,到战斗结束时,别墅的三名男子被杀,包括他的副手。

The first use of motorized warfare by the United States army is a huge success, and for Patton, it's the first step in his rise to greatness.

=> 美国军队首次使用机动战争取得了巨大的成功,对巳顿来说,这是他崛起的第一步。

Half a world away, two massive armies collide on the battlefield In the first major war with modern technology.

=> 半个世界以外,两大军队在战场上相撞在第一次现代科技大战中。

When you look at World War I, it's about machine guns, and, you know, all of these sorts of new killing mechanisms.

=> 当你看第一次世界大战时,它是关于机关枪,而且你知道,所有这些新的杀戮机制。

It's the beginning of the This is not men on horseback anymore.

=> 这是马上的人不再是马背上的开始。

This is a motorized war.

=> 这是一场机动战争。

Narrator: The advanced weaponry turns the conflict into a slaughter.

=> 旁白:先进的武器把冲突变成了屠杀。

one death every 15 seconds.

=> 每15秒一次死亡。

Really the machine gun probably did more than anything else.

=> 机枪真的可能比其他任何东西都多。

They found if they dug even shallow trenches and used machine guns, a small number of troops could stop a large attacking force.

=> 他们发现,如果他们挖了浅沟和机枪,少数部队就可以阻止一个大的攻击力量。

And then both sides started to dig trenches.

=> 然后双方开始挖沟。

And so they were locked along this line, the Western front, which was this extraordinarily complex set of trenches that didn't move very much either way.

=> 所以他们被锁定在这条西线前线上,这是一组非常复杂的战壕,这两条战线并没有太大的变化。

[Explosion] Narrator: The trenches cover 25,000 miles.

=> [爆炸]旁白:战壕覆盖25,000英里。

Laid end to end, they would circle the globe.

=> 首尾相连,他们会圈地球。

The area between the trenches is so deadly, it's known As no-man's-land.

=> 战壕之间的区域如此致命,被称为“无人地带”。

Among the German soldiers stationed in the trenches along the Western front is Adolf Hitler.

=> 驻扎在西线战线上的德军士兵是希特勒。

But even after months on the front lines, Hitler's still seen as an outcast.

=> 但是,即使在前线数月之后,希特勒仍然被视为被抛弃。

Hitler was regarded by the other troops as something of a loner, something of a rather peculiar eccentric person who kept to himself.

=> 希特勒被其他部队看作是一个孤独的人,是一个相当独特的怪人。

Narrator: But what Hitler lacks in popularity he makes up for in blind ambition.

=> 旁白:但是希特勒没有人气,他盲目的追求。

Runner! Command wants this taken to the 3rd Battalion.

=> 亚军!指挥要把这个带到第3营。

- Now! - Yes, sir.

=> - 现在! - 是的先生。

Hitler's role as a messenger was actually considered perhaps the most dangerous task in trench warfare running from trench to trench, exposing himself to enemy fire.

=> 实际上,希特勒作为信使的角色,也许是在从战壕到战壕的战壕中最危险的任务,暴露在敌人的火力之下。

The mortality rate for messengers was quite significant.

=> 信使的死亡率相当显着。

Pull back! [Grunts] [Gunfire] [Explosion] [High-pitched ringing] [Dramatic string music] The Germans are retreating, and Adolf Hitler has been injured, and he has this encounter with a Private Henry Tandey, a British Private.

=> 拉回来! [咕噜声] [枪声] [爆炸] [高调响起] [戏剧性的弦乐]德国人正在撤退,希特勒受伤,他与英国私人亨利·坦迪(Henry Tandey)

[Music swells] Tandey has Adolf Hitler in his sights, and even though he's a trained soldier, he can't bring himself to pull the trigger.

=> [音乐狂潮] Tandey瞄准了阿道夫·希特勒,即使他是一个训练有素的士兵,他也无法自拔。

If Tandey had pulled the trigger, Adolf Hitler would have died on the battlefields in World War I, and the whole course of human history would have been changed.

=> 如果说谭德已经把扳机拉下来的话,那么希特勒本可以在第一次世界大战的战场上死去,整个人类历史的历程都会改变。

It's one of the great what-ifs in history.

=> 这是历史上伟大的假设之一。

Narrator: The World Wars have begun with Britain, France, and Russia squaring off against Germany and the Central Powers.

=> 旁白:世界大战已经开始,英国,法国和俄罗斯与德国和中央大国对抗。

[Gunfire] Modern weaponry is causing mass devastation on the battlefields, and tens of thousands of soldiers are now living in overcrowded trenches.

=> [枪火]现代武器正在战场上造成大规模的破坏,成千上万的士兵现在生活在拥挤的战壕里。

Very soon after the war began, both sides realized, "we can entrench, and the other side can't move us out.

=> 战争开始后不久,双方都意识到:“我们可以保证,对方不能把我们赶出去。

"They can move us backwards a little bit but only at horrendous cost.

=> “他们可以将我们向后移动一点点,但只能以可怕的代价。

" And the result of this, the war just bogged down in the muds of northern France.


Narrator: But in London, one man is convinced he can break the stalemate.

=> 旁白:但在伦敦,一个人确信他可以打破僵局。

He comes up to the barman and says Narrator: Born into one of the wealthiest families in Britain, he's risen through the ranks at unusual speed To become the head of the British Navy.

=> 他来到酒保,说叙述者:出生在英国最富有的家庭之一,他以不同寻常的速度升起了队伍,成为英国海军的首脑。

His name is Winston Churchill.

=> 他的名字是温斯顿·丘吉尔。

Churchill had the most enormous self-confidence, and it's easy to see why that was the case.

=> 丘吉尔拥有最大的自信,很容易看出为什么是这样。

He was the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, who was a brilliant politician.

=> 他是兰多夫·丘吉尔勋爵的儿子,他是一位出色的政治家。

And so Churchill, from a very young man, saw himself, almost by divine right, as playing a leading role in politics.

=> 丘吉尔从一个非常年轻的人那里,几乎凭着神圣的权利,把自己看作是在政治上起主导作用。

Narrator: Churchill forms a bold plan that he's certain will change the Allies' fortunes.

=> 旁白:丘吉尔形成了一个大胆的计划,他肯定会改变盟军的命运。

He even at that point considered himself a strategist, and he looked for ways to break the stalemate in Western Europe rather than just to get more armies and more artillery, and it actually was fairly thoughtful.

=> 他甚至在那个时候认为自己是个战略家,他想方设法打破西欧的僵局,而不仅仅是为了获得更多的军队和更多的炮兵,实际上是相当深思熟虑的。

What if we could send a fleet to the south into the Black Sea? Resupply the Russians? Well, yes, exactly.

=> 如果我们可以派遣一支舰队到南部进入黑海呢?补给俄罗斯人?嗯,确实如此。

There's no way.

=> 不可能。

Well, yes, there is.

=> 那么,是的,有。

Through Gallipoli.

=> 通过加利波利。

Gallipoli? No.

=> 加利波利?没有。

With all due respect, we are here to provide information this is what we are doing.


A lot of people Churchill worked with thought he was a man of contradictions, a Maverick, a loose cannon.

=> 许多丘吉尔曾经认为他是一个矛盾的人,一个小牛,一个松散的大炮。

He was known as someone to watch.

=> 他被称为有人要看。

His friends would say someone to watch because he's very talented, and his enemies would say someone to watch because he was dangerous.

=> 他的朋友会说有人看,因为他很有天赋,他的敌人会说有人看,因为他是危险的。

Narrator: The Gallipoli peninsula is heavily guarded by the Central Powers.

=> 旁白:加里波利半岛受到中央权力的严密监视。

Churchill's plan is to blast through the narrow strait, Pushing through to Russia and allowing the Allies to launch an overwhelming attack from the east, opening up a second front against Germany.

=> 丘吉尔的计划是冲破狭窄的海峡,推进到俄罗斯,让盟国从东方发起压倒性的进攻,开辟了反德的第二战线。

If it's successful, the Allies will be able to turn the tide of the war and crush the Central Powers.

=> 如果成功的话,盟军就能扭转战争的大潮,粉碎中央大国。

More than 100 warships set sail for what will be the largest amphibious invasion the world has ever seen.

=> 超过100艘战舰启航,将是世界上迄今为止规模最大的两栖入侵。

[Pensive orchestral music] People often ask me, "what's the most difficult decision you've ever made?" It's always the decision of sending men into battle, and the worst part of it all is the night that the battle begins, because you know you've just launched something, and you know that within a few hours you will start getting calls from the battlefield, from your commanders out in the field, that will tell you how many young men have died.

=> [忧郁的管弦乐]人们经常问我:“你做过的最难的决定是什么?总是让人们投入战斗的决定,而最糟糕的部分是战斗开始的那个夜晚,因为你知道你刚刚发起了一些事情,而且你知道在几个小时之内,你将开始接受来自战场上,从外地的指挥官那里,会告诉你有多少年轻人死亡。

[Telephone rings] Yes? They're halfway up the straits.

=> [电话铃声]是的?他们在海峡的一半。

They should have broken through by now.

=> 现在应该已经突破了。

They'll make it.

=> 他们会做到的。

Four ships sunk.

=> 四艘船沉没。

Another burning.

=> 另一个燃烧。

Losses were to be expected.

=> 损失是可以预料的。

The fleet is requesting permission to turn back.

=> 船队正在请求许可返回。

They are to press on at all costs.

=> 他们不惜一切代价来压。

This is war.

=> 这是战争。

Gallipoli I don't think could ever have worked.

=> 加里波利我不认为可以工作。

The troops who stormed ashore were met by a hail of machine gun fire and artillery, and the casualties were appalling.

=> 冲上岸的部队遭到机关炮火大炮的袭击,伤亡惨重。

Narrator: The invasion is a devastating failure.

=> 旁白:入侵是毁灭性的失败。

and nearly 200,000 are reported injured or missing.

=> 据报有近20万人受伤或失踪。

Almost no ground is gained And the supply route to Russia remains closed off.

=> 几乎没有地方获得通往俄罗斯的供应路线依然封闭。

I think Churchill's credibility after Gallipoli was certainly called into question.

=> 我认为丘吉尔在加里波利之后的信誉肯定受到质疑。

Warfare is not a science.

=> 战争不是一门科学。

The one thing you do know when you commit to warfare is, it's gonna be horrible.

=> 当你犯下战争的时候,你知道的一件事情就是,这将是可怕的。

Narrator: The public is outraged by the carnage.

=> 旁白:公众对这场大屠杀感到愤怒。

Someone will have to take the blame.

=> 有人必须承担责任。

It's over.

=> 结束了。

The plan was sound.

=> 计划是健全的。

Excuse me? The plan was sound.

=> 打扰一下?计划是健全的。

All we needed to do was keep pushing forward.

=> 我们所需要做的就是继续前进。

I'm afraid your services as First Lord of the Admiralty are no longer required.

=> 恐怕你不再需要你担任海军大臣的服务。

I'll expect your letter of resignation in the morning.

=> 我会期待你的早晨辞职信。

When Churchill was let go, he thought his career was over, finished.

=> 当丘吉尔放手时,他认为他的事业已经结束了,完成了。

And that wasn't melodrama on his part, and he could be melodramatic.

=> 而这不是他的戏份,他可能是情绪波动的。

It appeared that it would be finished.

=> 看来它会完成。

It's hard to imagine Churchill being humbled by something like Gallipoli, but he was chastened.

=> 很难想象丘吉尔被加利波利这样的事情所迷惑,但他却受到了磨练。

He thought, "never again.

=> 他想:“再也不要。

"The next time, if there's a next time" and it didn't look like there would be "I'll do it right.

=> “下一次,如果下一次”,看起来不会有“我会做对的。

" Narrator: Defeated and humiliated, Churchill's career is all but ruined.


He's offered a desk job which he turns down.

=> 他被提供了一个他拒绝的桌面工作。

He knows if he's ever going to redeem himself, he needs a new path.

=> 他知道自己是否要赎回自己,他需要一条新的道路。

So Churchill does the unthinkable.

=> 所以丘吉尔不可思议。

He enlists in the British army And heads straight for the front lines.

=> 他参加英国军队,直奔前线。

While Winston Churchill looks for redemption, Germany looks to capitalize on its victory at Gallipoli, devising a plan to eliminate the Russian threat once and for all.

=> 当温斯顿·丘吉尔寻求救赎时,德国希望利用其在加利波利的胜利,制定一个彻底消除俄罗斯威胁的计划。

The Germans load a secret weapon onto a heavily guarded train headed for Russia.

=> 德国人把一把秘密武器装上了一辆前往俄罗斯的高度戒备的火车。

[Dramatic orchestral music] It's a weapon that promises to destroy their enemies from the inside out.

=> [戏剧管弦乐]这是一个武器,承诺从内部摧毁他们的敌人。

[Whistle blowing] That weapon is Vladimir Lenin.

=> [吹口哨]那个武器是弗拉基米尔列宁。

Lenin is the leader of Russia's Communist Revolutionaries hell-bent on toppling the Russian Czar.

=> 列宁是俄罗斯共产主义革命党人的领导人,他们一心要推翻俄国沙皇。

For the past ten years, he's been in exile in Switzerland until Germany sends him home on a train along with over $10 million to fund his revolution.

=> 在过去的十年里,他一直流亡瑞士,直到德国送他回家上火车,还有一千多万美元用于革命。

The Germans decided that they would take this enormous gamble and bring Lenin back to Russia to bring about a revolution to get Russia out the war.

=> 德国人决定,他们要冒这个巨大的赌注,把列宁带回俄国,为俄国带来一场革命。

That's about as radical a step as you can take.

=> 这就像你可以采取激进的一步。

Narrator: When Lenin gets to Moscow, he's greeted by an old friend.

=> 旁白:当列宁到莫斯科时,他受到一位老朋友的欢迎。

Six times he's been exiled to Siberia, and six times he's escaped.

=> 他六次被流放到西伯利亚,六次逃脱。

His name is Joseph Stalin.

=> 他的名字是约瑟夫·斯大林。


=> 同志。


=> 同志。

Let me show you to your new place.

=> 让我告诉你你的新地方。

Narrator: Reunited, the two play right into Germany's plan as they begin to plot an armed rebellion.

=> 旁白:两人重逢,他们开始策划武装叛乱,正好符合德国的计划。

Over the next few months, Lenin and Stalin recruit a massive workers' militia.

=> 在接下来的几个月里,列宁和斯大林招募了大批的民兵。

Using the $10 million from the German government, they quietly amass a stockpile of weapons Until they are ready to make their move.

=> 用德国政府的1000万美元,他们悄悄地堆积了一大堆武器,直到他们准备采取行动。

I've arranged to take the train stations and the telephone communications.

=> 我已经安排了火车站和电话通讯。

And the palace guard? Many of our sources say they are sympathetic to our cause.

=> 还有皇宫卫兵?我们许多消息来源表示,他们同情我们的事业。

Our timing has to be perfect.

=> 我们的时机必须完美。

Narrator: The Communists storm the Winter Palace, toppling the Russian Czar.

=> 旁白:共产党人蹂躏了冬宫,推翻了俄国沙皇。

The Soviet union is born.

=> 苏联诞生了。

Narrator: Just days later, Lenin signs a decree that takes Russia out of the war.


The German plan works, bringing them one step closer to victory.

=> 德国的计划奏效,使他们更靠近胜利。

Narrator: Europe is at war, and in a bold move, the Central Powers have ended the fighting on the eastern front, sending exiled revolutionary Vladimir Lenin back to Russia where he seized control of the country and took the Russian army out of the fight.

=> 旁白:欧洲处于战争状态,中欧强大的行动已经结束了东线的战斗,把流亡的革命列宁送回俄罗斯,夺取了俄罗斯的控制权,把俄军撤出了战场。

Germany can turn its attention to the other Allies, and one of the countries now forced to fend off a new wave of German soldiers is Italy.

=> 德国可以把注意力转向其他盟国,而现在被迫抵御新一波德国士兵的国家之一是意大利。

Italy joined the fight in 1915 and now must face the full might of the German army for the first time.

=> 意大利于1915年加入战斗,现在必须首次面对德军的全部威力。

Tens of thousands of troops are rushed to defend the Italian border in the alps.

=> 成千上万的军队被冲到阿尔卑斯山的意大利边界捍卫。

Among them is a sharpshooter named Benito Mussolini.

=> 其中有一位名叫贝尼托·墨索里尼的射手。

Before the war, Mussolini is an antiwar activist.

=> 战前,墨索里尼是反战维权人士。

He's a journalist.

=> 他是一名记者。

He's pretty much a pacifist.

=> 他几乎是和平主义者。

[Gunshot] Narrator: The time spent defending Italy's border makes Mussolini hungry to return Italy to greatness.

=> 旁白:捍卫意大利边境的时间让墨索里尼渴望回归意大利。

[Gunshot] Mussolini becomes a very different person than he was before the war.

=> [枪声]墨索里尼成为一个与战前截然不同的人物。

His whole attitude toward his nation and his role in it changes.

=> 他对国家的整体态度及其在国家中的作用发生了变化。

He develops this hyper sense of nationalism, this real pride in his country.

=> 他发展了这种超民族主义,这是他的国家真正的骄傲。

Narrator: The horrors of war have transformed Mussolini into a ruthless killing machine.

=> 旁白:战争的恐怖已经把墨索里尼变成了无情的杀人机器。

A trait he'll take back with him to Rome.

=> 他将带他回到罗马的一个特质。

[Gunshot] the British army digs in [Gunfire] Since the beginning of the war, nearly 400,000 British soldiers have been killed just to be replaced by new arrivals.

=> [枪声]英国军队在[枪声]中挖掘战争开始以来,已有近四十万名英军士兵被杀死,以换取新来者。

Among the new recruits is a man battling back from the biggest failure of his life Winston Churchill.

=> 新入职的人中有一个人是因为温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)一生中最大的失败而战。

Churchill took responsibility for everything he ever did in his life.

=> 丘吉尔承担了他一生中所做的一切。

He never passed the buck.

=> 他从来没有推卸责任。

He was humbled, humiliated by Gallipoli, and he had to do something, and he put himself in harm's way and volunteered to go to the trenches.

=> 他被加利波利侮辱了,他不得不做了一些事情,于是他就把自己置于危险之中,自愿去战壕。

It was a very dangerous thing to do.

=> 这是一件非常危险的事情。

[Explosion] - Move! - Go! [Explosions, gunfire] Sir, Get me the Mortar from the West Reserve now.

=> [爆炸] - 移动! - 走! [爆炸,枪声]先生,现在把我的砂浆从西方储备里拿出来。

You get the hell scared out of you first of all.

=> 首先你会吓坏你了。

The first time I got shot at, um, was, "hey, this isn't a game.

=> 我第一次被枪杀的时候,就是,“嘿,这不是游戏。

This is for real.

=> 这是真实的。

This guy really missed me, and he killed somebody else.

=> 这个人真的很想念我,他杀了别人。

But tomorrow he'll try to kill me.

=> 但是明天他会试图杀死我。

" [Gunshot] As we say in the military, that opens your nostrils.


Narrator: With British casualties escalating, Churchill is quickly promoted and discovers he has what it takes to lead men into battle.

=> 旁白:随着英国人的伤亡升级,丘吉尔很快被提拔,发现他有什么能把男人引入战场。

For a man of Churchill's ambition, it's the first step towards redemption.

=> 对于丘吉尔的野心之人来说,这是走向救赎的第一步。

In his heart, what Churchill always wanted to be was the great warrior, the great hero.

=> 丘吉尔一直想成为伟大的勇士,伟大的英雄。

Here he was commanding a mere 800 men, whereas he dreamed of directing the battle destinies of millions.

=> 在这里,他指挥的只有800人,而他梦想着指挥数百万的战斗命运。

Narrator: The fight seems unending Mail! Narrator: Until Germany unleashes a secret weapon.

=> 旁白:这场战斗似乎是无休止的邮件!旁白:直到德国释放一个秘密武器。

Incoming! [Explosion, gas hissing] Gas! Move! Move! Out of the way! Go! [All coughing] Go, go, go, go! [All coughing] The fight between the Central and Allied powers has become the bloodiest war in human history.

=> 来袭! [爆炸,燃气嘶嘶]燃气!移动!移动!出路!走! [所有咳嗽]走吧,走吧,走吧! [全部咳嗽]中央和盟国之间的斗争已成为人类历史上最血腥的战争。

By 1917, nearly 7 million British, French, and German soldiers have been killed.

=> 到1917年,有近700万英,法,德军士兵遇难。

- Gas! - Go.

=> - 加油站! - 走。

[All coughing] It was a war of attrition.

=> [所有咳嗽]这是一场消耗战。

You had to kill as many of the enemy as you could so you could possibly advance.

=> 你必须杀死尽可能多的敌人,所以你可能会前进。

Chemical warfare just enabled that in a very horrific way.

=> 化学战只是以一种非常可怕的方式实现的。

For a way to alter the course of the war.

=> 为了改变战争的进程。

So they look to the one country that could finally tip the scales in their favor.

=> 因此,他们期望一个国家能够最终提升自己的利益。

Until now, President Woodrow Wilson has kept America out of the war.

=> 到目前为止,伍德罗·威尔逊总统已经使美国摆脱了战争。

Wilson recognized that the American people did not want to get involved in a war, particularly if it's a war far away involving people and for causes that we had nothing to do with.

=> 威尔逊认识到,美国人民不想卷入一场战争,特别是如果这是一场远离人民的战争,而且是与我们无关的事业。

Frankly, the American people did not see themselves at immediate risk.

=> 坦率地说,美国人民没有看到自己立即面临风险。

Narrator: But with hostilities escalating, a peaceful solution seems less and less likely, and Wilson's advisors urge him to begin preparing military forces.

=> 旁白:但随着敌对行动的升级,和平解决似乎越来越不可能,威尔逊的顾问敦促他开始准备军事力量。

Among them is the 35-year-old Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

=> 其中有三十五岁的海军富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福助理部长。


=> 先生。

President, I recommend an immediate allocation of more funds to our naval resources if we want to maintain military preparedness.

=> 主席,如果我们要维持军事防备,我建议立即把更多的资金分配给我们的海军资源。

Wilson found himself being drawn closer and closer to war.

=> 威尔逊发现自己越来越接近战争。

In the spring of 1915, the British liner the lusitania was sunk, and on board were over a hundred Americans.

=> 1915年春,英国的班轮“路西塔尼亚号”被击沉,船上有一百多名美国人。

Now, this was a big deal.

=> 现在,这是一个大问题。

Until this time, it had been a European war.

=> 直到这个时候,这是一场欧洲战争。

But now in this European war, Americans were getting killed.

=> 但现在在这场欧洲战争中,美国人正在被杀害。

Narrator: American resentment grows against Germany, and on February 26, 1917, it to finally reaches a boiling point.

=> 旁白:美国人对德国的怨恨增长,1917年2月26日,终于达到沸点。


=> 先生。

President, I think you should look at this right away.

=> 主席,我想你应该马上看看。

Narrator: The United States intercepts a secret telegram from Germany intended for the Mexican government containing a shocking proposal.

=> 旁白:美国拦截了一封来自德国的秘密电报,旨在为墨西哥政府提供一个令人震惊的建议。

The German ploy was, preoccupy America with a war with Mexico, and therefore you keep them out of Europe.


Well, this incensed a lot of Americans, and rightfully so.

=> 那么,这激怒了很多美国人,理所当然地。

Narrator: The U.

=> 旁白:美国



government releases the contents of the secret message, and almost instantly, anti-German protests erupt all across America.

=> 政府公布了这个秘密消息的内容,而且几乎是即时的反美德国抗议活动在全美爆发。

The Zimmermann telegram was one of the stupidest things the German government ever did.

=> 齐默尔曼的电报是德国政府所做的最愚蠢的事情之一。

Texas didn't care about the war in Europe.

=> 得克萨斯州并不关心欧洲的战争。

Now all of a sudden, the Germans are trying to return Texas to Mexico? Enough with Germany.

=> 现在德国人突然想把德克萨斯州还给墨西哥呢?足够与德国。

They need to be taught a lesson.

=> 他们需要接受教训。

Narrator: President Wilson signs the declaration of war in April of 1917.

=> 旁白:威尔逊总统在1917年4月签署战争宣言。

Germany's plan to keep America out of Europe completely backfires.

=> 德国将美国排除在欧洲之外的计划完全不起作用。

The Americans may finally be ready for war, but their military isn't.

=> 美国人最终可能会准备战争,但是他们的军队却不是。

The U.

=> 美国



has a standing army of only 100,000 men while the German army has 4 1/2 million.

=> 有一个只有十万人的常备军,而德军有四十五万人。

The United States hurries to build its military, and those few with fighting experience are rushed to France.

=> 美国急于建军,有少数有经验的战士就赶到法国。

George S.

=> 乔治·S

Patton has been presented with a huge challenge To command a Battalion of American men using the latest form of military innovation The tank.

=> 巳顿已经被提出了一个巨大的挑战,以指挥一个美国男子营使用最新形式的军事创新坦克。

Some American Generals were really resisting the tank because they didn't want to get rid of the horse cavalry.

=> 一些美国将军真的是抵制坦克,因为他们不想摆脱马骑兵。

George Patton understood the power of the new technology of mobile and armed warfare, and he invested a lot in that.

=> 乔治·巴顿(George Patton)明白移动和武装战争新技术的威力,他投入了大量资金。

Narrator: The tank is already being used on the Western front but with little success.

=> 旁白:坦克已经在西线使用,但收效甚微。

It runs out of gas too quickly, gets stuck in the mud too easily, and its sheer size makes it difficult to incorporate in military maneuvers.

=> 它耗尽气体太快,太容易陷入泥浆中,而且其体积很大,难以在军事演习中使用。

But where others see an insurmountable challenge, Patton sees a chance to prove that his tanks can break the stalemate.

=> 但是在别人看到一个难以逾越的挑战的地方,巳顿看到了一个证明他的坦克能够打破僵局的机会。

I think innovation comes between the ears.

=> 我认为创新之间的耳朵。

It's not about the gizmo.

=> 这不是关于这个小发明。

It's about how you think about using technology and so forth.

=> 这是关于如何考虑使用技术等等。

You have to give credit to the people like Patton that experienced World War I, that had been thinking about how to employ new things.

=> 你必须赞扬像第一次世界大战的巳顿这样的人,一直在想如何使用新的东西。

Narrator: Patton knows the stakes are high.

=> 旁白:巳顿知道赌注很高。

[Explosion] But with his Battalion of tanks, he's determined to win the war [Explosion] Or die trying.

=> [爆炸]但他的坦克营,他决心赢得战争[爆炸]或死尝试。

Narrator: The global war rages in Europe [Gunfire] As the Allies fight to hold their ground against Germany and the Central Powers in the sprawling system of trenches.

=> 旁白:全球战火在欧洲[枪声]随着盟国的战斗,在扩张的战壕系统中反对德国和中央大国。

Things are ugly in World War I.

=> 第一次世界大战的事情很丑

Europe was staggered, exhausted, many cities in rubble.

=> 欧洲错落有致,许多城市都在瓦砾堆里。

Starvation and disease were widespread.

=> 饥饿和疾病是普遍的。

You know, the Red Cross couldn't even keep up with what was going on.

=> 你知道,红十字会甚至不能跟上发生的事情。

If you were the Allies in Europe, you needed the reinforcements The new energy, the new blood.

=> 如果你是欧洲的盟友,你需要增援新能源,新血。

To aid in the fight, the Allies recruit a new country to their side.

=> 为了帮助战斗,盟军招募一个新的国家。

Following their long-awaited entry into the war, America is ready to make its presence felt.

=> 在他们期待已久的战争之后,美国已经准备好感受到了。

Their first major offensive is an attack on the Western front hoping to force the Central Powers out of their trenches and drive them out of France.

=> 他们的第一次重大攻势是对西线的攻击,希望把中央势力赶出战壕,驱逐他们离开法国。

They're armed with a secret weapon of their own: A Battalion of lightweight tanks under the command of Colonel George S.

=> 他们装备着自己的秘密武器:由乔治·S上校指挥的轻型坦克营


=> 巴顿。

In a column.

=> 在一列中。

We're gonna go down the main road.

=> 我们要走在主路上。

Don't let anyone know we're coming.

=> 不要让任何人知道我们即将到来。

- We move at dawn.

=> - 我们在黎明时移动。

- Yes, sir! Patton is testing his new strategy.

=> - 是的先生!巴顿正在测试他的新战略。

He's leading this new form of weaponry, the tank.

=> 他领导着这种新型武器,坦克。

So it's an important battle for him to prove that tanks are valuable on the battlefield and also to establish himself as an important military leader.

=> 因此,证明坦克在战场上是有价值的,也是把自己确立为重要的军事领导人,这对他来说是一场重要的战役。

Narrator: For Patton, everything in his career has led up to this moment.

=> 旁白:对于巳顿来说,他职业生涯中的每一件事情都引导到了这个时刻。

George Patton had grown up to be a soldier.

=> 乔治·巴顿长大后成为一名士兵。

It was his identity.

=> 这是他的身份。

And so in the first World War, he is in his element.

=> 所以在第一次世界大战中,他是在他的元素。

[Engines roaring] [Distant explosions] Narrator: The night before the planned invasion, Patton can't sleep.

=> [引擎咆哮] [遥远的爆炸]旁白:计划入侵的前一天晚上,巳顿无法入睡。

Tanks are still unproven in warfare, and Patton knows he can't leave anything to chance.

=> 坦克在战争中还没有得到证实,巳顿知道他不能留下任何机会。

[Explosion, flare hissing] He slips out of the trenches totally unprotected, deep into the heart of no-man's-land.

=> [爆炸,耀眼的嘶嘶声]他从完全没有保护的战壕中滑出,深入无人区的中心。

He's scouting a route to ensure his machines won't get stuck in the mud.

=> 他正在探索一条路线,以确保他的机器不会陷入泥泞中。

I think when you look at someone like George Patton, he used intelligence well but I think the best thing he did was, he turned intelligence into action, very quickly.

=> 我认为,当你看着像乔治·巴顿这样的人时,他很好地利用了情报,但是我认为他所做的最好的事情就是把情报变成行动。

George Patton's tendency was for action.

=> 乔治巴顿的倾向是行动。

Because he was aggressive, for him it worked very, very well.

=> 因为他很有侵略性,对他来说效果非常好。

Narrator: On September 12, 1918, Patton and his forces sweep onto the battlefield from every angle [Explosions, gunfire] And the Germans hit back with everything they've got.

=> 旁白:1918年9月12日,巳顿和他的部队从各个角度扫射战场[爆炸,枪声]德国人用他们所得到的一切回击。

But all of Patton's intelligence is paying off And his Tank Brigade begins to break down the German line.

=> 但巳顿的所有情报都有了回报,他的坦克旅开始打破德军的路线。

Soldier! - Get on the left flank now! - Yes, sir.

=> 士兵! - 现在就进入左侧! - 是的先生。

General, Charlie Company's advancing.

=> 将军,查理公司的前进。

- Take position on the Ridge.

=> - 在脊上的位置。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

Keep moving! Keep moving! Lieutenant George S.

=> 继续移动!继续移动!乔治·S中尉

Patton, Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur, General, sir, they need you at the front.

=> 巳顿,道格拉斯麦克阿瑟准将,先生,他们需要你在前面。

Here they are in Saint-Mihiel, and they meet on the battlefield for the first time in the midst of artillery shells all around them.


You have these two men who are going to play such an important role in shaping the future of the 20th century, and they have no idea what history has in store for them.

=> 你们有这两个人在塑造20世纪的未来方面发挥如此重要的作用,他们不知道历史是如何存在的。

Narrator: MacArthur is from a long line of military men.

=> 旁白:麦克阿瑟来自一连串的军人。

His father was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in the American Civil War.

=> 他的父亲在美国内战中被授予国会荣誉勋章。

No less is expected of his son.

=> 他的儿子预计不会少。

Douglas MacArthur would lead attacks walking out into no-man's-land with a swagger.

=> 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将带领攻击走向无人地带,招摇即是。

He was embodied with not only tremendous ability but also tremendous self-confidence.

=> 他体现的不仅是巨大的能力,而且还有巨大的自信心。

Watch the right flank! From an early age, he was different.

=> 注意右侧!从小就很不一样

He was special.

=> 他很特别。

I don't want to say "anointed".

=> 我不想说“受膏者”。

But he may have thought he was.

=> 但他可能以为他是。

Narrator: The two West Point graduates will be allies and rivals for decades.

=> 旁白:两个西点军校毕业生几十年来一直是盟友和对手。

I don't think there's any question that a leader who has experienced war and what it means to be in battle.

=> 我不认为有任何一个经历过战争的领导人,以及在战斗中意味着什么。

If you're a military commander, that experience is invaluable.

=> 如果你是一个军事指挥官,这个经验是无价的。

How you try to ensure that in the midst of all of that chaos and the killing that's going on, that you keep your eye on the mission that has to be accomplished, that's not easy to do.

=> 你如何设法确保在所有这些混乱和正在发生的杀戮之中,你一直密切关注必须完成的任务,这并不容易。

[explosions, gunfire] Narrator: The two men lead the Allies to victory as the German line crumbles.

=> [爆炸,枪声]旁白:两个人带领盟军取得胜利,因为德军的路线崩溃。

And for the first time, the Central Powers are on the run.

=> 中央大国第一次正在运转。

Just 240 miles away, years of trench warfare have transformed Adolf Hitler from a directionless loner to a hardened soldier.

=> 在240英里之外,多年的战壕使阿道夫·希特勒从一个无方向的孤独者变成了一个顽强的战士。

[Gas hissing, indistinct shouting] Hitler has escaped death twice [Shouting indistinctly] Narrator: And it's left him a changed man.

=> [嘶嘶声,模糊不清的喊叫声]希特勒已经两次躲过了死亡[模糊地呼喊]旁白:他给了他一个改变的男人。

[Coughing] [Gasping] [Gunshot] Hitler didn't feel at this time during the First World War that he was a man of destiny at all.

=> [咳嗽] [喘息] [枪声]第一次世界大战期间,希特勒并不觉得他是一个命运的人。

[Gunshot] What he did feel was a sense of belonging and a sense of commitment, and that, I think, made him braver than he might otherwise have been.

=> [枪声]他所感受到的是一种归属感和一种承诺感,而我认为,这使他变得比以前更加勇敢。

He felt he was fighting in a really important cause, the cause of Germany.

=> 他觉得自己是在为德国事业的一个非常重要的事业而战。

[Gunshot] Narrator: Hitler's ideology takes root on the front lines.

=> 旁白:希特勒的思想扎根于前线。

He begins to believe in Germany's superiority over the Allies and is now certain he can withstand anything the Allied forces throw his way.

=> 他开始相信德国对盟友的优越性,现在肯定他可以承受盟军所抛弃的任何东西。

Gas! [Intense percussive music] Narrator: The gas attacks are endless.

=> 加油站! [强烈的撞击音乐]旁白:气体袭击是无止境的。

To Hitler, they've become almost routine.

=> 对希特勒来说,他们已经变得几乎是常规了。

But this time it's different.

=> 但是这一次是不同的。

The Allies hit the Germans with a deadly new form of chemical warfare: Mustard gas.

=> 盟军用一种致命的新型化学战击打德国人:芥末气。

It lingers in the trenches for days.

=> 它在战壕里呆了好几天。

And attacks both the respiratory system and the skin.

=> 并攻击呼吸系统和皮肤。

Mustard gas affects the central nervous system.

=> 芥子气影响中枢神经系统。

It creates mustard-colored blisters on the skin.

=> 它会在皮肤上形成芥末色的水泡。

It blinds people.

=> 它使人盲目

It strips away the mucous membranes.

=> 它剥离粘膜。

It's incredibly painful and debilitating, and since it had no odor, by the time you realized that you had inhaled it, and it was on your skin, it was too late.

=> 这是令人难以置信的痛苦和虚弱,因为它没有气味,当你意识到你已经吸入它,并在你的皮肤上,已经为时已晚。

[Coughing] [Coughing] Narrator: After three years of bloody war, the stalemate in Europe has been broken.

=> [咳嗽] [咳嗽]旁白:经过三年的血腥战争,欧洲的僵局已经被打破。

The United States has joined the fighting Giving Allied armies a needed boost Fire! Pull back! Narrator: And driving the Germans back to their original defensive line in northern France.

=> 美国已经加入了给联军的战斗一个必要的火力!拉回来!旁白:驱使德国人回到法国北部原来的防线。

But the German army remains powerful, meaning the Allies have to act fast.

=> 但是德军仍然强大,意味着盟军必须迅速行动。

[Explosions] Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur is seeking every tactical advantage.

=> [爆炸]道格拉斯麦克阿瑟准将寻求每一个战术上的优势。

Military leaders are human beings that are remarkably different in personality and background.

=> 军事领导人是人格和背景明显不同的人。

Every so often, someone crosses the constellation of military leaders a little bit like a shooting star, and Douglas MacArthur did that.

=> 每隔一段时间,有人就像一颗流星一样穿过军队的领袖,道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟就是这样做的。

Narrator: MacArthur learns of a surveillance photograph of German trenches along the Western front [Camera shutter clicking] That reveals an undetected gap in the German line.

=> 旁白:麦克阿瑟学习西方前沿的德国战壕的监视照片[相机快门点击]这揭示了德国战线的一个未被发现的缺口。

Where others see an unbreakable defense, MacArthur knows he can exploit that weakness.

=> 其他人看到一个坚不可摧的防守,麦克阿瑟知道他可以利用这个弱点。

Intelligence is essential, and the more you can get, the better.

=> 情报是必不可少的,你越能得到越好。

But at the end of the day, it's your instinct as a senior person.

=> 但在一天结束的时候,这是你作为一名高级人员的本能。

The reason we're wearing stars or have these elevated positions is, we have demonstrated over the years our ability to have an instinct that works.

=> 我们穿着明星或者拥有这些高位的原因是,多年来我们已经证明了我们有本能的能力。

Narrator: MacArthur is determined to break through the line and surround the Germans in their trenches Supported by George S.

=> 旁白:麦克阿瑟决心突破战线,将德国人围在战壕里。

Patton and his Battalion of tanks.

=> 巴顿和他的坦克营。

In the fall of 1918 Come on! Come on! Narrator: The Allies launch an all-out attack in what will come to be known Fire! Narrator: As the 100 days offensive.

=> 在1918年的秋天来吧!来吧!旁白:盟军发动一场全面的攻击,将会出现火灾的消息!旁白:由于100天的攻势。

Boosted by MacArthur's men.

=> 由麦克阿瑟的人提高。

And Patton's tanks Get a move move! Move! Narrator: The Allied armies become the most dominant fighting force the war has ever seen.

=> 巳顿的坦克得到一个移动!移动!旁白:盟军成为战争中最具统治力的战斗力量。

Press forward! Both of 'em had big egos, but there's no doubt that both of them were brilliant on the battlefield.

=> 向前推!他们两个都有很大的自负,但是毫无疑问,他们俩在战场上都很出色。

Go on, keep advancing! MacArthur was an extraordinarily talented and effective military leader.

=> 继续前进!麦克阿瑟是一个非常有才华和有效的军事领导人。

Move! Move! On, come on! Move! [Gunfire] Incoming! [Explosion] Move! Move! Move! [Gunfire] Narrator: The Allies relentlessly attack the German line from every direction.

=>移动!移动!在,来吧!移动! [枪声]传入! [爆炸]移动!移动!移动! [枪声]旁白:盟军从四面八方狠狠攻击德军。

[Gunshot] [Gunshot] [Explosions, gunfire] Move! Move! Move! Move! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! [Dramatic orchestral music] Narrator: After months of fighting, the Allies finally break through [Gunshot] Putting the mighty German army on the run.

=> [枪声] [枪声] [爆炸,枪声]移动!移动!移动!移动!来吧!来吧!我们走吧!我们走吧!我们走吧! [戏剧性的管弦乐]叙述者:经过几个月的战斗,盟军终于突破[枪声]把强大的德国军队赶跑。

[Gunshot] [Indistinct shouting] [Grunting] Narrator: Finally, with no other option, tens of thousands of German soldiers Do it now! Narrator: Lay down their guns Hands up! Narrator: And surrender.

=> [枪声] [隐隐的叫喊] [咕噜声]旁白:最后,别无选择,成千上万的德国士兵现在就这样做!讲述者:放下枪支举起手来!旁白:投降。

You look at the great leaders.

=> 你看看伟大的领导人。

These were men who understood the most important resource they had available to them to fight a war not the weapons, not the planes, not the tanks.

=> 这些人是了解他们可以用来打仗的最重要的资源,而不是武器,而不是飞机,而不是坦克。

It's the soldiers who get it done, and leadership is all about inspiring your soldiers to achieve a decisive win.

=> 这是士兵们完成的任务,领导力就是激励你的士兵取得决定性的胜利。

Narrator: After four years of continuous fighting and 37 million casualties, the two sides agree to a cease fire.

=> 旁白:经过四年的连续战斗和三千七百万人的伤亡,双方同意停火。

When the world is shaking and rearranging itself as it does after a great events, like the end of a war.

=> 当这个世界正在发生重大变化时,就像战争结束之后的重大事件一样。

There are a whole range of different emotions.

=> 有各种不同的情绪。

The first is exhilaration, a very personal feeling, exhilaration at being part of an event that is changing the world, and there's never much time to look back.

=> 首先是兴奋,一种非常个人的感觉,作为正在改变世界的事件的一部分的兴奋,并且没有太多时间回顾。

There's always a lot to look forward to.

=> 总是有很多值得期待的。

Narrator: While most of the world celebrates the end of the fighting, some deep in the heart of Germany refuse to accept defeat.

=> 旁白:当世界大部分地区庆祝战斗结束的时候,德国深处的某个地方拒绝接受失败。

Hitler was wounded in the gas attack at the very end of the war, and he was then hospitalized, temporarily blinded.

=> 希特勒在战争结束时的天然气袭击中受伤,然后住院,暂时失明。

That our people will be losing the war against the Western armies While he was in hospital, he was then told that Germany had lost the First World War, and that's a crucial turning point in Hitler's life.

=> 我们的人民在西方军队的战争中失去了医院的时候,他被告知德国已经失去了第一次世界大战,这是希特勒一生中的一个重要转折点。

In Hitler's worldview, it was always, um, dead or alive, win or total defeat.

=> 在希特勒的世界观中,它总是这样死,还是活着,胜利还是彻底失败。

For him, surrender was something un-German.

=> 对他来说,投降是非德国人的事情。

You are a coward, somehow, if you surrender.

=> 不知何故,你是一个懦夫,如果你投降。

[Tense music] Hitler took the surrender personally A personal destructive blow to himself.

=> [紧张的音乐]希特勒亲自投降,给自己一个个人破坏性的打击。

He also took it as a mission, a mission in life to avenge and rectify the surrender.

=> 他还把这当成使命,用生命的使命来报复和纠正投降。

Narrator: After four long and bloody years and 37 million casualties, the United States and the Allies have finally claimed victory, forcing Germany to surrender.

=> 旁白:经过四年漫长的血腥岁月和三千七百万人的伤亡,美国和盟国终于宣告胜利,迫使德国投降。

But while the fighting has stopped, the pressure is now on the Allied leaders to come to an agreement preventing war from ever breaking out again.

=> 但在战斗停止的同时,盟军领导人现在面临压力,要求防止战争再次爆发。

As negotiations to secure the peace get underway in France, massive crowds greet the world leaders [Cheers and applause] Including United States President Woodrow Wilson.

=> 在法国进行和平谈判时,包括美国总统伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)在内的世界各国领导人(欢呼声和掌声)迎来了大批人潮。

Woodrow Wilson was the first President of the United States to spend anywhere near six months outside this country, and he felt that for him to send anyone else to negotiate the peace, it would not have been as well done.

=> 伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)是美国第一位在这个国家外面六个月的时间里任职的总统,他觉得让他送别人去谈判和平,那么做得不会那么好。

Wilson said, "Whatever happens with the settlement of this war, "if it goes well, give me credit.

=> 威尔逊说:“无论这场战争的结果如何,”如果顺利的话,请给我信任。

If it doesn't, blame me.

=> 如果没有,请责备我。

" Narrator: The leaders gather at the Palace of Versailles.


But one country not invited to the table is Germany.

=> 但是一个没有被邀请参加的国家是德国。

Gentlemen, please, please sit down.

=> 先生们,请坐下。

If we can start by considering the points before we discuss any of the individual ideas The main thing that Woodrow Wilson wanted to accomplish at Versailles was defanging Germany, not allowing them to develop a huge war machine again.

=> 如果我们可以在讨论任何个人想法之前先考虑要点,那么伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)想在凡尔赛要完成的主要事情就是与德国混为一谈,不让他们再次发展一个巨大的战争机器。

This was what the victors all wanted to see happen.

=> 这就是胜利者们想要看到的事情。

Narrator: But as negotiations get underway, Wilson quickly realizes that each country has come to the table with their own agenda.

=> 旁白:但随着谈判的进行,威尔逊很快意识到每个国家都有自己的议程。

There were these national leaders who had different views of what they wanted out of the Paris peace conference.

=> 这些国家的领导人对于他们在巴黎和会上想要的东西有不同的看法。

They had led their countries through this brutal, bloody, long war, and Wilson waltzes in with the Americans just at the end.

=> 他们带领他们的国家经历了这场残酷的,血腥的战争,而威尔森则最终走到了美国人的前面。

So they had to listen to him, and Wilson could be kind of persuasive but not that persuasive.

=> 所以他们不得不听他的话,威尔逊可能会有说服力,但不是那么有说服力。

Narrator: As negotiations drag on for months, the talks fall apart, and one Allied nation feels completely cut out of the negotiations.

=> 旁白:谈判拖延了好几个月,谈判破裂了,一个盟国感到完全没有了谈判。

Japan entered the war in 1914, contributing thousands of troops and millions of dollars to the war effort.

=> 日本于1914年进入战争,为战争贡献了数千名军人和数百万美元。

They come to Versailles with one goal: To be treated equally.

=> 他们来到凡尔赛一个目标:平等对待。

But Allied leaders completely ignore Japan throughout the proceedings, and for Japan, it's the ultimate insult.

=> 但盟国领导人在整个诉讼程序中完全无视日本,而日本则是最终的侮辱。

The Japanese, who'd been on the winning side, get this slap at the peace conference.

=> 在和平会议上,获胜的日本人得到了这一耳光。

So the Japanese became alienated from the United States and from the Western powers, and it was a fairly straight line from there to the belief that, "if we're gonna get any respect, it's going to be by fighting are way to respect.

=> 所以日本人与美国和西方列强疏远了,从那里直到相信“如果我们要得到任何的尊重,战争就是要尊重的方式”。

The reparations that were demanded of Germany were astronomical.


It was a matter of, "we're gonna squeeze as much out of Germany as we can.

=> 这是一个问题,“我们会尽可能多地从德国挤出。

" Well, there were some on the American side who said, "we are making the next war inevitable.


" Wilson worked against that.


Wilson wanted a somewhat more reasonable peace, and he wanted the Germans to feel that they had a stake in the continuation of the Versailles system.

=> 威尔逊想要一个更合理的和平,他希望德国人觉得他们在凡尔赛体系的延续中有着利益。

The problem with the treaty as it was finalized was, Germany had no stake in that system.

=> 条约最终确定的问题是,德国在这个体系中没有任何利害关系。

It had every interest in overturning the system.

=> 它有兴趣推翻这个制度。

Narrator: Despite Wilson's best efforts, he is unable to convince the other Allies to buy into his plan for peace.

=> 旁白:尽管威尔逊尽了最大的努力,但他却无法说服其他盟友购买他的和平计划。

After six months of intense negotiations, the Allies finally have a treaty.

=> 经过六个月的激烈谈判,盟国终于有条约。

But the final agreement is far from the fair and equitable plan Wilson had originally hoped for.

=> 但最终的协议远不是威尔逊原本希望的公平和公平的计划。

The losers, Germany principally, they were there.

=> 德国的输家,主要是他们在那里。

They didn't get to speak.

=> 他们没有说话。

They weren't asked to contribute.

=> 他们没有被要求贡献。

They were basically they had a gun put at their heads figuratively almost literally and said, "you're gonna sign on the dotted line.

=> 他们基本上是用一把枪把他们的头几乎按照字面意思说出来,然后说:“你要签署虚线。

" It was very much a Victor's peace.


The victors dictated the terms of the peace.

=> 胜利者决定和平的条款。

They made out like bandits.

=> 他们像土匪一样制造出来。

Narrator: Europe is finally at peace.

=> 旁白:欧洲终于平静了。

But while most of the world celebrates, Germany is ordered to pay the Allies over 80 Billion dollars.

=> 但在世界大部分地区庆祝的时候,德国却被要求向盟国支付80多亿美元。

The modern equivalent of nearly 1/2 a trillion dollars, a debt they won't pay off until 2010.

=> 现代相当于将近2.5万亿美元的债务,直到2010年才会得到回报。

As a result, the government quickly goes bankrupt, leaving millions of Germans impoverished.

=> 结果,政府很快破产,使数百万德国人陷入贫困。

The economic devastation completely transforms the country and its people.

=> 经济破坏彻底改变了国家和人民。

Germany immediately is struggling with a question of survival.

=> 德国立即正在为生存问题而挣扎。

For ordinary Germans, the war did not end in November 1918.

=> 对于普通的德国人来说,战争并没有在1918年11月结束。

For ordinary Germans the battle for survival, the daily struggle for food, the effort to find shoes and clothing stretched on into the 1920s.

=> 对于普通的德国人来说,生存之战,日常的食物斗争,寻找鞋子和服装的努力,延伸到20世纪20年代。

Narrator: As the anger and starvation spread, tensions rise throughout the country.

=> 旁白:随着愤怒和饥饿的蔓延,全国各地的紧张局势升温。

[Indistinct shouting] Germany is in a state of near Civil War.

=> [模糊不清]德国正处于内战附近的状态。

The left and the right are fighting with each other in the streets.

=> 左右两边在街上交战。

Paramilitary groups clash.

=> 准军事团体发生冲突。

Germany is a country divided against itself.

=> 德国是一个分裂的国家。

When World War I came to an end, this is not a treaty.

=> 第一次世界大战结束时,这不是一个条约。

This is an armistice that'll probably last 20 years Meaning we have not really defeated the German spirit.

=> 这是可能持续20年的停战,意思是我们还没有真正击败德国的精神。

We have not really solved this problem.

=> 我们还没有真正解决这个问题。

Narrator: With the fighting stopped, the treaty for peace is signed at Versailles.

=> 旁白:战斗停止后,和平条约在凡尔赛签署。

[Cheers and applause] And for the first time in over four years, Europe is at peace.

=> [欢呼和掌声]四年多来,欧洲第一次和平。

While celebrations erupt around the world, Germany is in a state of unrest, and many are convinced that the peace won't hold.

=> 当世界各地的庆祝活动爆发时,德国处于动荡状态,许多人相信和平不会成功。

Among them is Winston Churchill.

=> 其中有温斯顿·丘吉尔。

Having just returned to England from the front lines, he sets out to reestablish his political career, narrowly winning reelection to his old seat in parliament.

=> 刚刚从前线回到英国,他着手重建自己的政治生涯,狭隘地赢得了他在议会中旧位置的连任。

There were a lot of doubts about Churchill.

=> 对丘吉尔有很多怀疑。

He seemed erratic in his judgments.

=> 他的判断似乎不稳固。

His decision in respect to the Gallipoli campaign had disastrous consequences.

=> 他对加利波利运动的决定造成了灾难性的后果。

But it was in war that he proved his leadership credentials, and that's what transformed him.

=> 但是在战争中,他证明了自己的领导地位,而这正是他的转变。

Narrator: Churchill returns to government convinced the German threat hasn't gone away.

=> 旁白:丘吉尔回到政府说服德国的威胁并没有消失。

[Whistle blowing intermittently] After leading his troops to victory in France, Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur is given one of the most prestigious positions in the armed forces - Will you be late again? - No, sir! Superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point.

=> [断断续续的吹哨]在法国率领部队胜利后,道格拉斯麦克阿瑟准将被赋予了军队中最负盛名的职位之一 - 你会再次迟到吗? - 不,先生!西点军校总监。

Where he immediately gets to work preparing American soldiers for combat in case the peace fails.

=> 在和平失败的情况下,他马上开始准备美国士兵作战。

at his tank academy in Camp Meade, Maryland, Colonel George S.

=> 在马里兰州米德营的坦克学院,乔治·S上校

Patton Ready! Narrator: Is also training the next generation of American soldiers.

=> 巳顿准备好了!旁白:还在训练下一代美国士兵。

Aim! Narrator: And like MacArthur, he's betting the cease-fire won't last.

=> 目标!旁白:和麦克阿瑟一样,他认为停火不会持久。

[Gunshots] - Fire! - [Gunshots] Fire! - Fire! - [Gunshots] [Bells tolling] Narrator: In Italy, one man sees the end of fighting as an opportunity.

=> [枪声] - 火! - [枪声]火! - 火! - [枪声] [钟声收听]旁白:在意大利,一个人把战斗的结束视为一个机会。

Benito Mussolini returns to his job as a newspaper journalist.

=> 贝尼托·墨索里尼回到了他的报纸记者的工作。

But the country he fought to protect is now in disarray.

=> 但是他所要保护的国家现在处于混乱之中。

The Italians came out of the war on the winning side but failed to gain the territory they had expected to gain, and there's a sense of outrage about this amongst Italian nationalists, a sense almost that Italy has lost the war despite being on the winning side.

=> 意大利人在胜利的一方退出了战争,但却没有获得他们预期会获得的领土,意大利民族主义者对此感到愤慨,意大利几乎意识到尽管赢得了胜利,却失去了战争。

Narrator: Mussolini uses his newspaper to convey his view of a new Italy, that under a strong leader the country can regain the glory of the Roman empire.

=> 旁白:墨索里尼用他的报纸来传达他对新意大利的看法,即在强大的领导下,国家可以重获罗马帝国的荣耀。

He believes he can be that leader The man who returns Italy to greatness.

=> 他相信他可以成为那个把意大利归为伟大的领袖。

He soon brings his anti-government views to a new medium radio.

=> 他很快将他的反政府观点带到了一个新的媒体广播里。

We have actually been at war since we lifted the flag of our revolution which was then defended by a handful of men against the masonic, democratic, capitalistic world.

=> 自从我们举起革命旗帜,实际上我们正在发动战争,当时一小撮人反抗共济会,民主,资本主义的世界。

Mussolini was a man of strong words.

=> 墨索里尼是一个言辞强硬的人。

He favored the use of violence to do this.


Narrator: To make his vision a reality, Mussolini forms a band of disgruntled former soldiers called the Blackshirts who terrorize his political opponents and begin preparing for an armed revolution.

=> 叙述者:墨索里尼为了使自己的愿景成为现实,组成了一群不满的前士兵,叫做“黑衣人”(Blackshirts),他们威胁政治对手,并开始准备进行武装革命。

In a matter of months, Mussolini has launched a movement that is about to change the fate of Italy.

=> 在几个月内,墨索里尼发起了一场即将改变意大利命运的运动。

Lance Corporal Adolf Hitler.

=> 兰斯下士阿道夫·希特勒。


=> 先生。

Sit down.

=> 坐下。

- So you're looking for work.

=> - 所以你正在找工作。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

I am ready for duty.

=> 我准备好了。

I understand.

=> 我明白。

Unfortunately, I have nothing.

=> 不幸的是,我什么都没有。

Nothing? There is no work.

=> 没有?没有工作。

The war is over.

=> 战争已结束。

There has to be something.

=> 必须有一些东西。

After all I've done, after all I've given There is a new political group in town: The German Workers' party.

=> 毕竟我已经完成了,毕竟我已经给了一个新的政治集团:德国工人党。

We need to find out more about them and what their intentions are.

=> 我们需要更多地了解他们以及他们的意图是什么。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

- Try to not stand out.

=> - 尽量不要站出来。

The Versailles Treaty caused the economic conditions which gave rise to extremism.

=> 凡尔赛条约造成了引起极端主义的经济条件。

You find in history that when an economy is terrible, it gives rise to all kinds of different extremist organizations.

=> 你在历史中发现,当一个经济可怕的时候,会产生各种各样的不同的极端组织。

Narrator: Hitler is assigned to infiltrate the German Workers' party, one of many anti-government organizations that have formed in the wake of the treaty.

=> 叙述者:希特勒被指派渗透德国工人党,这是在条约之后形成的许多反政府组织之一。

[Door creaks] For months, he attends secret meetings held at undisclosed locations throughout the country.

=> [门吱吱]几个月来,他出席在全国各地秘密地点举行的秘密会议。

They signed away our army.

=> 他们签了我们的军队。

The Versailles Treaty is not my treaty.

=> 凡尔赛条约不是我的条约。

It was as if nothing had happened, as if we are forgotten.

=> 就好像我们被遗忘一样,好像什么都没有发生过。

Narrator: But Hitler soon realizes they are radical nationalists intensely loyal to the fatherland, and many of them harbor extremist views of German superiority.

=> 旁白:希特勒很快意识到他们是激进的忠于祖国的激进的民族主义者,他们中的许多人对德国的优越感抱有极端的看法。

Views that are no different from his own.

=> 意见与他自己没有什么不同。

There was never really an effort to deal with all the damage that had occurred during World War I.

=> 第一次世界大战期间所发生的一切损失,从来没有真正做到过。

The failure to do that I think is what ultimately produced the seeds for Hitler and Nazism.

=> 我认为没有做到这一点,最终造成了希特勒和纳粹主义的种子。

Germany as a whole is dead.

=> 整个德国已经死了。

It has nothing left in its heart.

=> 它没有留下任何内容。

There are riots on the streets.

=> 街上有骚乱。

There is no Germany left to fight for.

=> 没有德国可以去争取。

Germany must break apart.

=> 德国必须分裂。

It is only through this that we can survive.

=> 只有通过这个,我们才能生存下去。

No Germany? Yes, there's nothing left to fight for.

=> 没有德国?是的,没有什么可以争取的。

"There's nothing left to fight for" are the famous last words of every turncoat in the history of warfare.

=> “没有什么可争的了”是战争历史上每一个背包的着名遗言。

The weak among us turn to such excuses and abandon our pride and hope when it is only unity that separates the victors from the defeated.

=> 我们之间的弱者转向了这样的借口,放弃了我们的骄傲和希望,只有把胜利者与失败者分开的团结。

Clearly you have stopped fighting.

=> 显然你已经停止了战斗。

But we are still fighting Germany's great war, our war, for what we deserve: A united Germany, a strong, proud Germany.

=> 但是,我们仍然在为德国的伟大战争,我们的战争,我们应得的东西而奋斗:一个统一的德国,一个强大的,引以为傲的德国。

Germany is a sleeping giant, and once we rid our nation of the spineless frauds among us and alongside the criminals of Versailles, we will once again know greatness.

=> 德国是一个沉睡的巨人,一旦我们摆脱了我们之间的无脊髓的欺诈,并与凡尔赛的罪犯一起,我们将再次知道伟大。

[Applause] Narrator: After four years of war, a tenuous peace holds.

=> [掌声]旁白:经过四年的战争,一个微薄的和平成立。

[Birds cawing] But anger and resentment are spreading and shots are about to be fired again.

=> 但是愤怒和怨恨正在蔓延,枪声即将被解雇。

[Applause] Adolf Hitler leaves the German army to fully devote himself to the anti-government Workers Party.

=> [掌声]希特勒离开德国军队,全力投入反政府工作党。

Our Germany is dead, and you have conspired Narrator: His popularity and fiery rhetoric make him stand out in the group.

=> 我们的德国已经死了,你们已经把阴谋诡计了:他的知名度和火热的言辞让他在这个小组中脱颖而出。

You have bled her with your corruption.

=> 你的贪污已经让她流血了。

Narrator: And he's promoted to the head of propaganda.

=> 旁白:他晋升为宣传主管。

We will call ourselves the National Socialist Party! [Cheers and applause] Narrator: Under Hitler's leadership, membership in the National Socialist Party quickly expands as Hitler experiences his first taste of real power.

=> 我们将自己称为国家社会党! [欢呼声和掌声]旁白:在希特勒的领导下,随着希特勒第一次体验到实权,国民社会党的成员迅速扩张。

There are many reports from fairly early on about Hitler's charisma as a speaker, and he gradually came to realize that he was indeed a powerful speaker far more powerful than anyone else around and began to use that as an asset.

=> 关于希特勒作为演讲者的魅力,有很多报道,他逐渐认识到,他确实是一个比其他任何人都强大得多的强大的演讲者,并开始将其作为一种资产。

Narrator: To cast all Germany under his spell, Hitler needs an image that will burn into the minds of millions.

=> 叙述者:为了将所有的德国施展在他的魔咒之下,希特勒需要一个能够燃烧数百万人的形象。

Nowadays we'd call it a logo of course.

=> 现在我们会把它称为一个标志,当然。

It was designed personally by Hitler, and it may be that he put some of his artistic impulses into this.

=> 这是希特勒亲自设计的,也可能是他把他的一些艺术冲动放在这里。

The essential part of it ultimately went back to India, but it was taken up as a symbol of racism and anti-semitism combined with the red background for socialism and the red, white, and black colors for the old Kaiser Reich.

=> 其中的重要部分最终回到了印度,但它被当作是种族主义和反犹太主义的象征,加上社会主义的红色背景和老凯泽帝国的红色,白色和黑色。

Narrator: While Hitler is still in the early stages of his revolution, Benito Mussolini has already amassed an army of followers and is ready to take Italy by force.

=> 旁白:当希特勒还处于革命初期时,墨索里尼已经积累了一支信徒军队,并准备好用武力夺取意大利。

For seven days in October of 1922 in a massive show of his popularity.

=> 在1922年10月的七天里,他大受欢迎。

Mussolini leads a march of With the people behind him, Mussolini and the Blackshirts storm the Royal Palace, forcing the King of Italy to hand over control of the government.

=> 墨索里尼率领游行背后的人们,墨索里尼和黑衣人肆虐皇宫,迫使意大利国王交出政府控制权。

Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922.

=> 墨索里尼于1922年在意大利执政。

His successful march on Rome was eased by the process of expanding ego and adulation by the people around Mussolini and then eventually most of the public opinion in the country.

=> 他在罗马的成功游行得到了墨索里尼周围人民的自大和赞扬,最终扩大了国内的大部分民意。

This is a dangerous process.

=> 这是一个危险的过程。

Narrator: In just months, Mussolini has been transformed from newspaper journalist to the most powerful man in Italy.

=> 旁白:在短短的几个月里,墨索里尼已经从报纸记者变成了意大利最有权势的人。

So he amasses an army of his own.


Hitler does seem early to have been very impressed by Mussolini and indeed by the march on Rome.

=> 希特勒似乎早就被墨索里尼留下了深刻印象,事实上也是在罗马进军的。

His rise to power was modeled on what the Italian Fascists had done in Italy.

=> 他的崛起模仿意大利法西斯在意大利所做的事情。

On November 8, 1923, Hitler leads the Nazis into a Munich beer hall where top government officials are meeting.

=> 1923年11月8日,希特勒领导纳粹进入慕尼黑啤酒大厅,在那里顶级政府官员正在开会。

[Indistinct chatter] [Gunshots] Germany is dead, and you have conspired to kill her! You have crushed her with your incompetence.

=> [模糊的喋喋不休] [枪声]德国已经死了,你们阴谋杀了她!你用无能打败了她。

You have bled her with your corruption.

=> 你的贪污已经让她流血了。

[Gun cocking] You have profaned her by consorting with degenerate peoples.

=> [狙击枪]你已经堕落的人民亵渎了她。

No more! The revolution has begun! Join us now as we give birth to a new Germany! You watch him, and you think of how Adolf Hitler was able to do that, to get other people to follow him.

=> 不再!革命已经开始!现在就加入我们,我们生下一个新的德国!你看他,你想到阿道夫·希特勒怎么能做到这一点,让别人跟着他。

I think it was partly because he could persuade people that that was a good thing to do and partly because people were intimidated by him.

=> 我想这部分是因为他可以说服人们认为这是一件好事,部分原因是人们被他吓倒了。

Narrator: After storming the beer hall, Hitler leads the Nazis into the streets to take the city by force.

=> 旁白:冲过啤酒厅后,希特勒率领纳粹分子走上街头,强行夺取城市。

But unlike in Italy, the German police are prepared.

=> 但与意大利不同的是,德国警方正在准备。

Halt! Ready! [Guns cocking] Aim! Join us! The National Socialist Party has taken over the government! [Gunshot] [Gunfire] [Dramatic music] Narrator: Unlike Mussolini, Hitler's attempt to seize power is a failure, and he's arrested and charged with treason.

=> 停!准备!瞄准!加入我们!国家社会党接管了政府! [枪声] [枪声] [戏剧性的音乐]旁白:与墨索里尼不同的是,希特勒夺取政权的企图是失败的,他被捕并被控叛国。

He spends his time in prison plotting his next move.

=> 他把自己的时间花在监狱里,策划下一步行动。

[Speaking indistinctly] [Typewriter clicking] [Typewriter dings] Narrator: To gain followers and to spread his message, Hitler creates a manifesto The heart of which is a radical plan for world domination.

=> [模糊地说] [打字机点击] [打字机dings]旁白:为了获得追随者和传播他的信息,希特勒创造了一个宣言,其核心是一个激进的统治世界的计划。

What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence And the reproduction of our race and our people.

=> 我们要争取的是维护我们的种族和人民的生存和再生产。

Narrator: Coming up on The World Wars The fighting may have stopped, but the war isn't over.

=> 旁白:世界大战即将结束战斗可能已经停止,但战争还没有结束。

[Camera shutter clicking] Out of a great global depression a new generation of leader emerges.

=> [相机快门点击]出现了一个巨大的全球萧条,新一代的领导者出现。

We must reverse the Treaty of Versailles.

=> 我们必须扭转凡尔赛条约。

Let these chains be burst asunder.

=> 让这些链条破裂。

[Applause] Narrator: While some are desperate to maintain the peace None of these people, General, want me putting money towards the next war.

=> [掌声]旁白:虽然有人急于维持和平,但是这些人中,没有一个人要我把钱投入下一场战争。

Narrator: Others rise from the ashes, looking to re-ignite a great global war.

=> 旁白:其他人从灰烬中崛起,希望重燃一场伟大的全球战争。

Hitler is far more dangerous than anything we've ever faced before! Bomb every city, every town, every village.

=> 希特勒比我们以前遇到的任何事情都要危险得多!炸毁每个城市,每个城镇,每个村庄。

We will annihilate them.

=> 我们将消灭他们。

Narrator: And as the fighting breaks out again It's not a request! It's a damned order.

=> 旁白:战斗再次爆发这不是一个要求!这是一个该死的命令。

Narrator: The fate of mankind hangs in the balance.

=> 旁白:人类的命运是平衡的。

[Gunfire] It is time to end America's threat once and for all.

=> [枪声]现在是彻底结束美国威胁的时候了。