
30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

字号+作者:英汉圈 来源:英汉圈2019-04-07 我要评论() 收藏成功收藏本文


英美剧因为没有太多题材和意识形态的限制,创作者们可以天马行空,自由发挥,且加之欧美影视制作产业的专业成熟,题材广泛,探讨命题丰富多彩,经常能有让人耳目一新的作品出现。今天英汉君要奉献给大家的是30部影响广泛深远的美剧,参考IMDB 及豆瓣等进行排序。

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Years after a rebellion spurred by a stolen bride to be and the blind ambitions of a mad king, Robert of the house Baratheon sits on the much desired Iron Throne. In the mythical land of Westeros, nine noble families fight for every inch of control and every drop of power. The King's Hand, Jon Arryn, is dead. And Robert seeks out his only other ally in all of Westeros, his childhood friend Eddard Stark. The solemn and honorable Warden of the North is tasked to depart his frozen sanctuary and join the King in the capital of King's Landing to help the now overweight and drunk Robert rule. However, a letter in the dead of night informs Ned that the former Hand was murdered, and that Robert will be next. So noble Ned goes against his better desires in an attempt to save his friend and the kingdoms. But political intrigue, plots, murders, and sexual desires lead to a secret that could tear the Seven Kingdoms apart. And soon Eddard will find out what happens when you play the Game of Thrones. 拜拉席恩家族的罗伯特因未婚妻被抢、疯王盲目的勃勃野心而发起反动战争,数年后荣登君王宝座。在神秘的维斯特洛大陆上,九个非富即贵的家族为了寸土之地,分毫权力而纷争不休。国王的首辅,琼恩·艾林却在都城离奇死亡,罗伯特国王启程赶往北方,希望他在维斯特洛的唯一盟友,他的发小-奈德史塔克接替琼恩·艾林出任首辅。彼时身体臃肿,醉酒成性的国王罗伯特请求这位在维斯特洛位高声望的北境之王暂别这冰天雪地的安魂乡,和他一起回到七国的首都君临之城,共扶天下。然而,夜深人静时却有人送来一封信,告知奈德前首相死于谋杀,而下一个谋杀目标就是罗伯特。身为贵族的奈德即便有违心意,但为了保护他的老友,拯救王朝,决定临危受命。但是一连串的政治阴谋,策变,谋杀及性丑闻等将事情导向一个足以让王国分崩离析的秘密,很快,艾德史塔克就会发现,卷入权力的游戏将面临什么。

Power resides when men believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow. – Varys


Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. – Night Watchers











HBO出品的中世纪史诗奇幻大剧从第一季首播开始就风靡全球,接连打破多项收视率纪录,接近尾声的第七季大结局直播收视人数更是多达1210万,称它为最受欢迎的电视剧毫不为过! 这部剧一反电视剧常见的主角光环俗套,超级腹黑,所有剧中人物都有随时挂掉的可能。这才是权力斗争及战争的可怕之处 – 身处乱世,别想委身世外。蹈我此生信义,虽死犹荣。壮哉此生荣光,天地泣之。

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

When chemistry teacher Walter White is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given only two years to live, he decides he has nothing to lose. He lives with his teenage son, who has cerebral palsy, and his wife, in New Mexico. Determined to ensure that his family will have a secure future, Walt embarks on a career of drugs and crime. He proves to be remarkably proficient in this new world as he begins manufacturing and selling methamphetamine with one of his former students. The series tracks the impacts of a fatal diagnosis on a regular, hard working man, and explores how a fatal diagnosis affects his morality and transforms him into a major player of the drug trade当高中化学老师沃尔特怀特被诊断出已到癌症晚期,只能存活2年时,他意识到自己再无退路。他和未成年脑瘫儿子以及妻子住在新墨西哥州。为了确保他的家庭能有一个安稳的未来,他决定走上一条制毒犯罪的道路。他拉拢自己以前的一位学生入伙,当他们开始制造销售冰毒时,他确实证明了自己在这片新天地如鱼得水。该剧讲述了绝症是如何影响一位普通,尽责工作的中年男人,如何改变了他的道德准则,并最终变成一个毒枭。

I have spent my whole life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen, 50-years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at three in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine.


What I came to realize is that fear, that's the worst of it. That's the real enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world and you kick that bastard as hard you can right in the teeth.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene. It starts as mid-level drug dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale beats a murder rap. After a conversation with a judge, Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint homicide and narcotics team, in order to bring down drug kingpin Avon Barksdale. Avon Barksdale, accompanied by his right-hand man Stringer Bell, enforcer Wee-Bey and many lieutenants (including his own nephew, D'Angelo Barksdale), has to deal with law enforcement, informants in his own camp, and competition with a local rival, Omar, who's been robbing Barksdale's dealers and reselling the drugs. The supervisor of the investigation, Lt. Cedric Daniels, has to deal with his own problems, such as a corrupt bureaucracy, some of his detectives beating suspects, hard-headed but determined Det. McNulty, and a blackmailing deputy. The show depicts the lives of every part of the drug "food chain", from junkies to dealers, and from cops to politicians.

故事地点设定在巴尔的摩,本剧主要关注市内毒品交易情形。全剧从一名中层毒贩子 迪安吉拉·巴克斯戴尔在一起谋杀罪中胜诉开始。在和法官交谈之后,探长吉米·麦克纳提被任命带领一支刑事及缉毒小组,缉拿毒品交易核心人物伊旺·巴克斯戴尔。伊旺·巴克斯戴尔在他的得力助手斯丁格·贝尔、打手威贝尔以及其他副手(包括他自己的侄子迪安吉拉·巴克斯戴尔)的协助下,需要面对不断地法律诉讼,藏在组织的内奸,以及他们在本地的抢进对手奥马利特。奥马利特专门抢劫巴克斯戴尔阵营毒贩子们的毒品进行再销售。专案组的指挥官塞德里克·丹尼尔斯则有自己的一堆麻烦事,比如腐败的官僚作风,他的一些手下警探殴打犯人,头脑冷静而做事坚决果断的探长麦克纳提,以及一位想勒索他的副手。该剧描画了毒品 "食物链" 上上下下各色人等的生活,从瘾君子到毒贩,从警察到政客。

If anybody asks you if in you in this game, you tell 'em you in it for life, a'ight?. You play it hard, you play it tight, and you make sure niggas know you gonn' stand by your people. No loose talk, no second thoughts and no snitching. Play it like that.


How you expect to run with the wolves come night, when you spend all day sparring with the puppies. -- Omar Litte



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

An innovative look at the life of fictional Mafia Capo Tony Soprano, this serial is presented largely first person, but additional perspective is conveyed by the intimate conversations Tony has with his psychotherapist. We see Tony at work, at home, and in therapy. Moments of black comedy intersperse this aggressive, adult drama, with adult language, and extreme violence. 从一个全新的角度看待虚构的意大利黑手党头目托尼-瑟普拉诺的黑帮生活。这剧主要以第一人称视角呈现,不过多维度的视角也通过托尼和他的心理医生知无不谈的对话有所补充。我们看到托尼工作、居家,也做心理治疗的情形。在这部充满荤段子,充满暴力和攻击性的成人电视剧里却还穿插着黑色幽默。

All due respect, you got no f—in' idea what it's like to be Number One. Every decision you make affects every facet of every other f—in' thing. It's too much to deal with almost. And in the end you're completely alone with it all. - Tony Soprano 无意冒犯, 但是你他妈压根不知道做老大的感觉。每一个决定都将影响到另一件事的方方面面。要处理好每一步真是太难了,到了最后事情全部压你一个人身上。


30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

This is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family. Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the perpetual ten-year-old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight-year-old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant. 这是一部关于一个二逼家庭各种逗逼糗事的动漫情景喜剧。荷马是那个呆头呆脑,生活习性差,爱喝啤酒的老爸,马芝是那个勤俭持家的妻子,巴特是哪个永远十岁的后进生(并以此为荣),丽莎是怀才不遇的八岁天才,马姬是那个可爱的,爱吮奶嘴的安静宝宝。

Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals, except the weasel.


Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose; it's how drunk you get.


You've got the brains and the talent to go as far as you want. And when you do, I'll be right there to borrow money.


《辛普森一家》是描述或者说记录美国20世纪普通中层家庭生活的讽刺情景喜剧。它是一部充满幽默感的批判性电视作品,能巧妙地把当时社会的热点事件整合到动画剧情当中,涉及大量对时事和风潮的批评与讽刺。该剧是美国历史上最长寿的情景喜剧及动画节目,到现在为止已经播出了27季(还在继续),对美国流行文化产生了极大影响。对于想要通过学习英文了解美国pop 文化的人来说,这部剧可谓不可不看。

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Rachel Green, Ross Geller, Monica Geller, Joey Tribbiani, Chandler Bing and Phoebe Buffay are six 20 something year-olds, living off of one another in the heart of New York City. Over the course of ten years, this average group of buddies goes through massive mayhem, family trouble, past and future romances, fights, laughs, tears and surprises as they learn what it really means to be a friend. 瑞秋-格林,罗斯-格勒,莫妮卡-格勒,乔伊-崔比安尼,钱德勒-宾,菲比-布非六个二十几许的年轻人,他(她)们在纽约市的中心地区生活,彼此帮衬。十年间风风雨雨,在嬉笑怒骂中,在风花雪月中,在悲欢离合中他们懂得朋友的意义。

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!"


"Just so you know, it's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" – Rachel


"She's your lobster. C'mon you guys. It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples, walking around their tank, you know, holding claws. ... See? He's her lobster!" - Phoebe, about Ross and Rachel 她就是你的小龙虾。拜托!你们这群家伙。众人皆知的事实是龙虾会坠入爱河并终生奉为伴侣。真的你可以在水池里看到老年龙虾俩公婆爪牵爪,一起散步呢!…明白?罗斯就是瑞秋的龙虾!

When I was growing up, I didn't have a normal mom and dad, or a regular family like everybody else, and I always knew that something was missing. But now I'm standing here today, knowing that I have everything I'm ever gonna need... You are my family.


I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be. 我一直认为,求婚应该是在一个完美的地方,有一套完美的誓词,现在我明白了,求婚唯一重要的是有一个完美的对象,你带给了我想象不到的快乐。

And if you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.


《老友记》可谓经典中的经典,它不光是美国二十世纪末一代人的记忆,它还是大洋彼岸一个新兴国家数代英文学习者的开胃菜 - 经典台词,演员清晰的口齿,快慢适中的语速,成为了中国人学习地道英语的经典材料。更令人爱之深切的是六人之间的点点滴滴,彷佛剧里每个人就是过了演员他们自己的十年生活。十年或许很长,然而剧终落幕时,方知十年弹指一挥。十年更迭,仍得初心,令人唏嘘不已。陈奕迅的《十年》讲述从陌生到爱恋,然后复归路人的悲凉故事,而老友记的十年是让人热泪盈眶的十年,"I will always be there for you"这经典的开场和背景音乐令人频频回首。

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Majority House Whip Francis Underwood takes you on a long journey as he exacts his vengeance on those he feels wronged him - that is, his own cabinet members including the President of the United States himself. Dashing, cunning, methodical and vicious, Frank Underwood along with his equally manipulative yet ambiguous wife, Claire take Washington by storm through climbing the hierarchical ladder to power in this Americanized recreation of the BBC series of the same name. 美国版《纸牌屋》改编自BBC同名英剧。众议院多数党党鞭弗兰西斯·安德伍德将带你走上一段他的复仇之路,得罪他的人将无一幸免- 就是包括现任总统在内的多数党党内成员。攻势凌厉,巧舌如簧,运筹帷幄,心狠手辣,弗兰西斯和他那同样喜欢操控权势,野心勃勃的妻子克莱尔一起苦心经营,凭借权力云梯爬上顶端,而后借势发起对白宫总统政府的风暴攻击,迫使总统下台。

There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain...The sort of pain that's only suffering.


Power's a lot like real estate. It's all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.


From this moment on, you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

The sci-fi western series from Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy was inspired by the 1973 Michael Crichton film of the same name and is set at a Wild West theme park created by Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins) with human-like androids where guests are encouraged to indulge their fantasies and desires 这部由乔纳森诺兰和丽莎乔伊执导的科幻西部电视剧是受到1973年米克尔克里顿同名电影的启发而制作的,故事背景设在一个由罗伯特福特创建的野蛮西部主题公园,里面布置有不同人格特征的机器人,用来满足游客的各种幻想需求。

Our mind is a walled garden, even death cannot touch the flowers blooming there. 我们的内心就像一座隐秘花园,即便死亡也无法触及其中盛放的花朵。

这部剧糅合了众多科幻片的元素,是近年继Her 之后探讨未来机器人意识觉醒或意识获得问题的佳片。自人类有史以来,人类一直在探寻自己的创世主,然后尼采已论定上帝已死,那么对于未来来说,随着机器具有意识,人和机器的世界将会怎么样并行? 人是机器人的创造主吗? 是否对他们拥有绝对的操控权? 当他们拥有自主意识,那他们是将并入人的世界抑或取代人的世界?人往往满足于自己的角色扮演而忘掉自我,他将湮没在时空当中,不过是浩瀚历史的一抹烟云。

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

In 2012, Louisiana State Police Detectives Rust Cohle and Martin Hart are brought in to revisit a homicide case they worked in 1995. As the inquiry unfolds in present day through separate interrogations, the two former detectives narrate the story of their investigation, reopening unhealed wounds, and drawing into question their supposed solving of a bizarre ritualistic murder in 1995. The timelines braid and converge in 2012 as each man is pulled back into a world they believed they'd left behind. In learning about each other and their killer, it becomes clear that darkness lives on both sides of the law. 2012年,路易斯安那州警官马汀·哈特和洛斯汀·柯尔被邀请一起重新调查一起他们在1995年调查过的谋杀案。随着对两人的单独问询逐次展开,这两位前警官分别讲述了他们各自的调查故事,而他们当年留下的未曾痊愈裂痕也被重新揭开。他们被问到如何破解1995年那总离奇宗教谋杀案的真相。随着两个人被拉回到那个他们早已忘却的世界,案件的故事线在2012年被重新编制整合,在对彼此和凶手的进一步了解下,案件真相逐渐浮出水面,还有一件事情也变得很清晰: 黑暗在法律的两端均有立足之处。

We are things that labor under the illusion Of having a self, This accretion of sensory experience and feeling, Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody. When, in fact, everybody's nobody.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Narcos tells the true-life story of the growth and spread of cocaine drug cartels across the globe and attendant efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on in brutal, bloody conflict. It centers around the notorious Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura) and Steve Murphy (Holbrook), a DEA agent sent to Colombia on a U.S. mission to capture him and ultimately kill him. - Written by Soumik Ghosh《毒枭》讲述了一个全球性的贩毒集团的发展和扩散,以及执法人员在执法过程中同他们产生流血冲突的真实故事。它主要围绕臭名昭著的哥伦比亚大毒枭埃斯科瓦尔(瓦格纳·马拉 Wagner Moura 饰)及史蒂夫墨菲(波伊德·霍布鲁克 Boyd Holbrook 饰)之间的较量展开。墨菲是美国缉毒局派往哥伦比亚抓捕并最终干掉他的警探。

When you get too close to the sun... your dreams may melt away"


The bad guys need to get lucky every time. The good guys just need to get lucky once.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

This is the story of "E" Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from their initial training starting in 1942 to the end of World War II. They parachuted behind enemy lines in the early hours of D-Day in support of the landings at Utah beach, participated in the liberation of Carentan and again parachuted into action during Operation Market Garden. They also liberated a concentration camp and were the first to enter Hitler's mountain retreat in Berchtesgaden. A fascinating tale of comradeship that is, in the end, a tale of ordinary men who did extraordinary things. 1944年6月6日,美国101空降师506团E连奉命空降这个枪火密集的海滩。E连有一群热血贲张、爱国向上的青年组成,严酷的训练让他们成为美军中的精英和骨干。在温斯特中尉的指挥下,战士们克服了各种不利因素,出色完成了登陆之战。在此之后,高密集度的战斗拉开了序幕,无论是法国的卡朗唐镇还是荷兰的埃因霍温,无论是比利时的巴斯托尼还是德国的海格纳镇,皆留下了E连兄弟们的身影和鲜血。兄弟连,正是一支属于平凡战士的颂歌和安魂曲……

Men, It's been a long war. It's been a tough war. You have fought bravely and proudly for your country. You're a special group who have found in another a bond that exits only in combat among brothers of shared foxholes. Held each other in die moments, we've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You deserve long and happy life in peace.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

Nathaniel Fisher, his wife Ruth, and their children David and Claire run a small funeral business that offers the best care to be found anywhere close by. Prodigal son Nate Jr. arrives home for Christmas just as his father is killed by a bus, and has to stick around when he and David are willed the funeral service together. How does a family who helps others deal with grief deal with its own? Written by rmlohner


Here's a poem dedicated to every guy I've ever been with: 'Your Penis Is Kinda Nice, Too Bad You're Attached to It!'


All that lives, lives forever. Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end. Eternal. Deathless.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

The Crown focuses on Queen Elizabeth II as a 25-year-old newlywed faced with the daunting prospect of leading the world's most famous monarchy while forging a relationship with legendary Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. The British Empire is in decline, the political world is in disarray, and a young woman takes the throne.... a new era is dawning. Peter Morgan's masterfully researched scripts reveal the Queen's private journey behind the public facade with daring frankness. Prepare to be welcomed into the coveted world of power and privilege and behind locked doors in Westminster and Buckingham Palace....the leaders of an empire await.


Who wants transparency when you can have magic? Who wants prose when you can have poetry? Pull away the veil and what are you left with? An ordinary young woman of modest ability and little imagination. But wrap her up like this, anoint her with oil, and hey, presto, what do you have? A goddess.

当人有魔法的x时候谁还想着事事分明?当人能吟诵诗歌又何必再恋散文?撕去面纱你还剩下什么? 一个才干普通,想象匮乏的平常女人。但如果将她这样裹起来,涂脂抹粉,再看,顷刻间,我们看到什么? 一个女神。

I am Queen, but I am also a woman. And a wife.



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The professional and personal lives of those who work in advertising on Madison Avenue - self-coined "mad men" - in the 1960s are presented. The stories focus on those at one of the avenue's smaller firms, Sterling Cooper, and its various incarnations over the decade. At the heart of these stories is Donald Draper, the creative genius of the company. That professional creative brilliance belies the fact of a troubled childhood, one that he would rather forget and not let anyone know about except for a select few, but one that shaped who he is as an adult and as an ad man in the need not only to sell products but sell himself to the outside world. His outward confidence also masks many insecurities as evidenced through his many vices, such as excessive smoking, drinking and womanizing - the latter despite being a family man - and how he deals with the aftermath of some of the negative aspects of his life. 本片展示了一群在曼哈顿的麦迪逊大道工作的广告从业者的职业生活及私生活的方方面。他们自封为"广告狂人",大道上小广告公司众多,本片主要关注其中之一斯特林·库帕公司,讲述了该公司十年间数易旗帜以及发生在职员身上的各种故事。故事的核心人物是唐·德雷柏,他是公司的创意天才。这位才华横溢的创意总监却有着不堪回首的童年往事,为了不光能够推销产品,更重要的为了能够推销自己,他总是小心掩饰着自己的过去,除了少数几个曾对他的成长和成为职业广告人有过帮助的故人外,他从不对任何人提起。他外表总是强装自信,但他一些生活恶习嗜烟如命,喝酒,即使是有妇之夫任然拈花惹草以及之后收拾烂摊子的方式揭示了他始终惶恐不安的内心世界。

Stable is that step backwards between successful and failing.


People tell you who they are, but we ignore it, because we want them to be who we want them to be.


最令人赞叹的是,编剧寓时代于细节得滴水不漏。专门看过对Mad Men服装、道具、物价、商品的详尽分析,在细节上可谓精益求精。最近Time的一篇Mad Men评论提到第五季背景在60年代末,当时彩色电视刚进入人们生活,而第五季在服装、布景上前所未有地运用大量对比色 来刻画这一技术革新对人们生活的影响。链接 可以说,Mad Men对背景的诠释已经不限于叙事层面,在艺术手法上也有诸多创新和加工。个人觉得这在电视剧中还是很罕见的。

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In the high-tech gold rush of modern Silicon Valley, the people most qualified to succeed are the least capable of handling success. A comedy partially inspired by Mike Judge's own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late 1980s. 故事发生在高科技产业云集的美国硅谷,在这里, 最有资质成功的人往往却是最没有办法处理其"功成名就"的人。这是一部根据麦克乔琪自己1980年代在硅谷做工程师的生活经历创作的喜剧。

Question for you. What's better than octopus recipe? Answer for you. Eight recipes for octopus. My grandmother gave me a family recipe before she died in a horrible way.

问你个问题,比"章鱼菜单" 更妙的是什么?答案是,给章鱼的八张秘方。我的祖母死得很惨,不过她临死前给我一张祖传秘方。

I think we should dig our own well and build our own generator. I also think we should store a year's worth of food and ammunition in a blast cellar. But we don't. So good luck when the shit hits the fan.


这是一部比尔盖茨都在个人博客中推荐的一部反应现代硅谷生态的影视作品。《硅谷》塑造了多个性格、行事风格各异的硅谷IT男,从这些人的身上,你或许可以找到一些科技界大佬的身影,盖茨也说这部剧很明显参考了他自己以及史蒂夫乔布斯等人的一些事迹。全剧围绕一个初创公司从idea 到组件团队,书写商业计划书,融资等逐次展开。在硅谷,起起落落太多,创建公司看似容易,实则不易,一不留神就有可能创业计划胎死腹中或者创业者被淘汰出局。笑料十足,而且极具geek 范。如果要我在Big Bang Theory 和 Sillicon Valley 中二选一的话,我会选择后者。

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BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show "Horsin' Around" in the '90s, now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters 马男波杰克年轻时主演的电视剧《胡闹的小马》风靡一时,但现在他穷困潦倒,住在好莱坞。他总是穿花里胡哨的毛衣,不停地抱怨身边的一切。

So yesterday, you let yourself fall in love a little bit, and you got your heart broken. Serves you right for having feelings.


Starting now, you are a hard, heartless career gal. Go to work, be awesome at it, and don't waste time on foolish flights of fancy.



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Will Graham is a special consultant with the FBI. He has a special gift whereby he can empathize with any individual and put himself in their shoes. This means he gets to help solve vicious murders, especially those involving serial killers, as he can profile the murderer - their method, motives and personality profile. For a particular case, the FBI also seek the help of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a highly-respected psychiatrist. Will and Hannibal hit it off, and Will becomes a patient of Hannibal. Little does he know or suspect that Hannibal might be the most wanted serial killer in the US.

Will Graham是FBI的特别调查顾问, Will有一种特别的能力:可以在犯罪现场根据线索还原犯罪经过。他正在调查一起凶残的连环杀人案,凶手非常狡猾,每次作案留下的线索都很少。为了破案,Will向受人景仰的心理医生Hannibal Lecter寻求帮助。在案件调查的过程中,这位学术精湛又极具个人品味的Hannibal都对Will有所启发, 渐渐,Will越发依赖这位受人尊重和爱戴的医生。但是, Will 却从未想到,Hannibal 也许才是真正的头号通缉犯

People don't always say what they're thinking... they just see to it that you don't advance in life.


God must also love the feeling of killing, he all the time to do so, we don't is according to god I make?



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Watch the Irish American family the Gallaghers deal with their alcoholic father Frank. Fiona, the eldest daughter, takes the role of the parent to her five brothers and sisters. Lip, Ian, Debbie, Carl, and Liam deal with life on the South Side of Chicago. Fiona balances her sex life and raising her siblings. Every episode is another crazy situation that one or more of the Gallagher six get into. Watch them grow and learn how to make their way in life with what little they have.

看美籍爱尔兰裔加里格一家是怎样和他们酗酒成性的父亲弗兰克共同生活的。大女儿 菲奥娜不得不承担起照顾五个弟妹以及养家糊口的责任,她和利普,伊恩,黛比,卡尔,利埃姆在生活在芝加哥城南。为了照顾兄弟姐妹,菲奥娜不得不调整自己的性生活。每一集都描写他们生活中突如其来的不同险境,看他们是如何一步步成长,用他们仅有的资源在生活中闯出自己的天地。

Men are never right. That's why women were invented, to think for you assholes.


Family is supposed to be forever, supposed to take care of you regardless of what you do.


Life is rife with questions that baffle. All we can do is carry on.


本剧根据英国同名剧集改编,很好地进行了「美国本土化」。这部剧集深刻揭示了美国中下阶层普通家庭的生活现状,各种各样「少儿不宜」的元素都有--抽烟、酗酒、吸毒、滥交…做好准备,你的三观随时被刷新。这部剧让你知道,人若犯贱,下行无限。正是看到弗兰克无休止地刷新编者三观,侵害当时还很年少地编者地弱小心灵,编者在看到弗兰克换了肝脏后在一个冰川活过来,继续饮酒,继续刷下线,果断弃剧了: 不想让自己的大脑接受这样无下限价值观,担心自己潜移默化中变成另一个弗兰克。

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Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are both brilliant physicists working at Cal Tech in Pasadena, California. They are colleagues, best friends, and roommates, although in all capacities their relationship is always tested primarily by Sheldon's regimented, deeply eccentric, and non-conventional ways. They are also friends with their Cal Tech colleagues mechanical engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Rajesh Koothrappali. The foursome spend their time working on their individual work projects, playing video games, watching science-fiction movies, or reading comic books. As they are self-professed nerds, all have little or no luck with women. When Penny, a pretty woman and an aspiring actress from Omaha, moves into the apartment across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon's, Leonard has another aspiration in life, namely to get Penny to be his girlfriend.

该剧讲述的是四个宅男科学家和一个美女邻居发生的搞笑生活故事。这是一部以"科学天才" 为背景的情景喜剧。主人公Leonard和Sheldon是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩Penny。顿时吸引了Leonard的目光。

You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.


Your words fall like acid rain on the wounded petals of my heart.


When you got to go space, it was hard for me. Because it made me realize they'll just send anyone up there.


You have to have the courage to end the relationship. Break it off, shake hands, walk away. I know it's hard, honey, but that's how you grow


看这部剧第一季的时候,编者还是个怦然心动的骚年呢。英文老师在课间放的补充材料。这些高智商高学历却很低情商的nerds 们说话透出一股极客的硬核呆滞感。他们的谈话时充满学识的,常常用一种专门学科的专业知识来解释生活中的常识,使人有一种智商有余,情商欠费之感。不过正如海报所写"SMART IS THE NEW SEXY" 难怪那么多迷妹迷弟花费十年追踪这个剧。令我吃惊的是,人气王谢耳朵身上集齐了天才偏执,性格乖张等诸多特点, 这样高智商却自命不凡,睥睨众生的人,在真实的朋友圈里,应该是怎样状态呢?

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Told from the perspective of an unseen documentary filmmaker, the series offers an honest, often-hilarious perspective of family life. Parents Phil and Claire yearn for an honest, open relationship with their three kids, but a daughter who is trying to grow up too fast, another who is too smart for her own good, and a rambunctious young son make it challenging. Claire's dad Jay and his Latina wife Gloria are raising two sons together, but people sometimes believe Jay to be Gloria's father. Jay's gay son Mitchell and his partner Cameron have adopted a little Asian girl, completing one big -- straight, gay, multicultural, traditional -- happy family. 本片从一个不署名的纪录片导演视角,以平实而且往往幽默的手法展现了一个现代美国家庭的生活。菲尔克莱尔夫妇很想和三个孩子建立实诚开放的家庭关系,但不得不面对来自三个孩子的挑战 - 急于长大成人的大女儿,聪明得有点过分的二女儿和调皮捣蛋的小儿子。克莱尔的爸爸杰以及他的拉丁裔妻子格洛丽亚一起抚养2个孩子,不过人们往往以为杰是格劳里亚的爸爸。杰的同性恋儿子米歇尔和他的 "同志" 卡梅隆收养了一个亚洲小女孩 – 让这个既直又基,跨文化又传统的快乐大家族得以完整。

We're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda: to let you know my heart is yours.


Okay, the key to being a good dad? Sometimes things work out just the way you want. Sometimes they don't. You gotta hang in there. Because when all is said and done, 90% of being a dad is just shown up.


We tell our kids it doesn't matter if you win or lose. But let's be honest, winning feels pretty great. There's nothing like that golden moment in the sun. I think every parent probably wants that for their child, and maybe a little bit for ourselves too. Sometimes we push too hard, and that leads to a lot of resentment and guilt. So, how much is too much? Here's where I come out: Guilt fades. Hardware is forever. 我们教育孩子们说,输赢无所谓。但平心而论,胜利的感觉好极了。他们在阳光下的那一刻是无与伦比的美丽。也许每位家长都希望孩子能有这样的时刻,甚至希望自己也能这样。有时我们太苛求结果,结果导致许多怨恨和愧疚,怎么才不算过分呢,我的想法是:愧疚总会过,奖牌才是硬道理。

We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop waiting the best for them. That's what makes it such a tough job, kind of the best job in the world.


这部剧的架构和路数和《老友记》一脉相承,只不过从朋友之间的生活场景切换到家庭成员的生活场景。这部剧以DV记录的形式展现了当代美国中层家庭的生活的方方面面,一个美好幸福的家庭并非总是甜言蜜语的,各个成员在幸福之外,总有这样或那样的烦恼与忧愁。身为家人,就是要彼此扶持,相濡以沫,悲欢与共。这是一部充满欢笑与泪水的喜剧,很适合下饭,也适合作为英文学习资料,里面大量用到一些俗语,引用当代流行文化元素。尤其是菲尔特别喜欢自造词,一语双关。如果你能get 到他的point, 会发现这些自造词真是妙趣无穷。

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Set in the twenty-fourth century and seven to eight decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successor to Star Trek (1966). Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to distant planets to seek out new life and to boldly go where no one has gone before. 《星际迷航:下一代》是科幻《》的第二部,故事发生的时间设定在前一部《:原初系列》约70年之后,讲述了24世纪时,企业号(NCC-1701)的接班人—— 联邦星舰企业号(NCC-1701-D)在宇宙中探险、船员们经历第一次接触、时间旅行、剧中剧、自然灾害、以及在冒险的途中的其他前所未有的经历

All good things must come to an end.


Live long and prosper.


这部剧编者久闻盛名,尤其是史波克的盛名,不过却未曾看过,作为一个科幻迷,没看过这一系列作品,实属遗憾。这部作品对于geeks 们来说,是必看不可的,因为genius 谢耳朵和他的极客伙计们,就是这一系列死忠粉。Star Trek 和Star Wars 都是神级存在。

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Four female New Yorkers gossip about their sex lives (or lack thereof) and find new ways to deal with being a woman in the 1990s. 生活在纽约的四个时尚女人讨论着她们的花前月下的性事(或是饥渴),努力探寻着作为女人应有的生活态度和方式。

If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out from propagating the species. What about us? We're just choosey.


Once you try to change a man, it's doomed. They won't budge. The things you can work on are hair and wardrobe. Even then, it's a constant battle.


When Single men have money, it's to their advantage. If a Single woman has money, it's a problem to be dealt with.


It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process. Men do this all the time. Women walking around thinking ''we.'' And their version of ''we'' is ''me and my dick.''


《欲望都市》,被无数女孩奉为时尚与爱情的教科书。二十年间,女孩们跟随剧中人物不断成长,像她们一样疯狂行乐过,小心翼翼过。也曾折断骨头,在爱情里撞得头破血流;也曾提心吊胆,对未来惶恐不安。如今,看剧的人已经长大,对爱情和生活都有了自己的理解,对剧中人物也有了与当年不一样的看法。编者觉得这部剧不光适合女孩子,也很适合男生观看,毕竟,懂得现代女人的心思和这些急切想要懂得男人心思的女人的想法一样重要。我向来不擅以套路看带爱情,然后似乎现代世界,爱情总逃不脱套路,并且往往很cliché。 你还期待碰到从前那种从前慢的爱恋吗?

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The all new "true crime" case of Fargo's new chapter travels back to 1979 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Luverne, Minnesota, where a young State Police Officer Lou Solverson, recently back from Vietnam, investigates a case involving a local crime gang and a major Mob syndicate. Helping him piece things together is his father-in-law, Sheriff Hank Larsson. The investigation will lead them to a colorful cast of characters that includes Karl Weathers, the town lawyer of Luverne, Minnesota. A Korean War vet, Karl is a flowery drunk blessed with the gift of gab and the eloquence of a true con artist. Joe Bulo, the front man for the northern expansion of a Kansas City crime syndicate. The new face of corporate crime, Joe's bringing a Walmart mentality to small town America. His number two is Mike Milligan. Part enforcer, part detective, Mike is always smiling - but the joke is usually on you. Bulo and his crew have their sights set on the Gerhardt crime family in Fargo, currently led by ...

Fargo的全新篇章 "真实犯罪" 案件可追溯到1979年在南达科他州苏福尔斯和明尼苏达州Luverne,一名年轻的国家警察Lou Solverson最近从越南回来调查一起涉及当地犯罪团伙的案件。一个主要的流匪集团。帮助他把事情组织事情的是他的岳父,警长汉克拉尔森将带领他们调查形色各异的角色,其中包括明尼苏达州Luverne镇的律师Karl Weathers。作为一名朝鲜战争的兽医,卡尔是一位精力充沛的醉汉,拥有神经叨叨的天赋和骗子般的巧舌如簧。乔布洛是堪萨斯城犯罪集团北扩的前线人物。犯罪集团的新面孔,乔将沃尔玛的心态带到了美国的小镇。他的第二目标是Mike Milligan。既是执法者,也是侦探,迈克总是微笑 - 但总是开你玩笑。布洛和他的工作人员将目光投向法戈的格哈德犯罪家庭,目前由法戈领导。

If evidence is collected, if confessions are made, if a verdict of guilty is entered in a court of law, then its happening becomes as the rocks and rivers, and to argue that it didn't happen is to argue with reality itself.


Your problem is you spent your whole life thinking there are rules. There aren't.


One's eyes can be deceived. We see what we believe, not the other way around.


Only a fool thinks he can solve the world's problems.



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Before Saul Goodman, he was Jimmy McGill. And if you're calling Jimmy, you're in real trouble. The prequel to "Breaking Bad" follows small-time attorney Jimmy McGill as he transforms into Walter White's morally challenged lawyer, Saul Goodman. 《绝命毒师》的前传,讲述律师Saul Goodman的故事。本剧采用非线性叙事。Saul Goodman初次登场时并不叫Saul Goodman,他的名字叫Jimmy McGill,当时只是一个小律师与调查员Mike在一起工作,过着养家糊口的日子。本剧将描述Jimmy转变为Saul Goodman的全过程。

Why do they bury lawyers under 20 feet of dirt? Because deep down, they're really good people.

为什么他们要将律师们埋在20英尺深的地底呢? 因为追根究底,他们是好人。

Sometimes you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds.


This is what you do. You hurt people over and over and over, and then there's this show of remorse.


I don't doubt that your emotions are real. But what's the point of all the sad faces and the gnashing of teeth? If you're not going to change your behavior...

我不怀疑你情绪的真实性,但是你愁眉苦脸,咬牙切齿地又有什么意思呢? 因为你根本不会改变这副德行。

I'm not good at building shit, you know? I'm excellent at tearing it down.



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A medical based drama centered around Meredith Grey, an aspiring surgeon and daughter of one of the best surgeons, Dr. Ellis Grey. Throughout the series, Meredith goes through professional and personal challenges along with fellow surgeons at Seattle Grace Hospital. 以梅雷迪思·格雷为主题的医疗剧,一位有抱负的外科医生和最好的外科医生埃利斯·格雷博士的女儿。在整个系列中,梅雷迪思与西雅图格雷斯医院的外科医生一起经历了职业上的和个人生活上的挑战。

It's all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency, waiting in line for a chance at the operating table, and then, there's the most important line. The line separating you from the people you work with. It doesn't help to get too familiar. To make friends. You need boundaries between you and the rest of the world. Other people are far too messy. It's all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand, and praying like hell no one crosses them.


At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out; they fence you in. Life is messy, that's how we're made. So you can waste your life drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them. But there are some lines that are way too dangerous to cross. Here's what I know. If you're willing to throw caution to the wind and take a chance, the view from the other side is spectacular. 早晚都得做个决定,界线不会把人拒之於外,它们把人围起来。生活很混乱,我们生来就是这样,你可以浪费生命划清界线,或是越过界线,但是有些界线……跨越太过危险。这是我的看法,如果愿意试试看,界线另一边的景色……美不胜收。

这是一部陪伴很多人青春时光的长篇大型医疗题材剧。医院里固然有很多惊心动魄的时刻,但是要论故事的戏剧性和跌宕起伏,自然是比不上其他犯罪类型剧或者动作剧了。和喜剧比,它也缺乏抖包袱的地方,毕竟医院里更多是生老病死。医院里的生活固然是有规律可循,然而医生是人,有人的地方就有故事。《实习医生格蕾》便是一群医生的成长故事,在这些年的漫长时光中,有许多欢喜忧伤,有许多聚散离合。对于死忠粉来说,十余年的守护,剧中人的生活好似也能映衬他们的生活,落幕始终是一件残忍的事,然后天下事有哪一件不会落幕呢? 人生又有多少个十年呢?

30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

The "normal" suburban life for a group of close-knit housewives takes a dark turn when one of their closest friends mysteriously commits suicide. Now while trying to deal with their own hectic problems and romantic lives, each year brings on a new mystery and more dark and twisted events to come. Life behind closed doors is about to be revealed as suburban life takes a funny and dark turn. Written by ahmetkozan 当一群最亲密的朋友当中一位莫名自杀时,看似 "平静的"郊区生活发生了重大转折。现在,在尝试处理自己忙碌的问题和浪漫的生活时,每年都会有一个新的更加神秘、更加黑暗和扭曲的事件发生。随着郊区生活的转折,这些紧闭的门窗之后的琐碎即将揭晓…

Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle sim ply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death。


The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one per son desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up every day, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, it's what they count on


We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of, some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow。



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

wo FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully work in an unassigned detail of the bureau called the X-Files investigating cases dealing with unexplained paranormal phenomena. Mulder, a true believer, and Scully, a skeptic, perceive their cases from stand points of science and the paranormal. FBI高层从联邦调查局学院调来女性探员黛娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰),表面上是协助穆德工作,实际上是希望这名崇尚科学的理性探员能够制约穆德的行为。两人最初的合作并不理想,完全不同的思维模式时刻导致争论的爆发。但随着各种离奇案件的出现以及两人交往的加深,穆德和斯科莉最终变成可以为对方出生入死的可靠伙伴……

A dream is an answer to a question, we haven't learned how to ask.


We over-populate the world and create new technologies to kill each other with. Maybe we're just beasts with big brains.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home? 幸存的815航班乘客的过去,现在和将来的生活戏剧性地交织在一起。飞机在在一个神秘的岛屿上坠毁之后,他们寻求答案的生存之战随之而来。每个发现都会引向更多的秘密,就像匆忙组建的殖民地寻找离岛的方式,或者这才是他们归宿?

To remember, to let go, and to move on.


Don't mistake coincidence for fate.


If we can't live together...we're gonna die alone.


If I never met you, I don't have to lose you.



30部最佳美剧推荐 30 Best America TV Shows Recommendation

An innocent man is framed for the homicide of the Vice President's brother and scheduled to be executed at a super-max penitentiary, thus it's up to his younger brother to save him with his genius scheme: install himself in the same prison by holding up a bank and, as the final month ticks away, launch the escape plan step-by-step to break the both of them out, with his full-body tattoo acting as his guide; a tattoo which hides the layout of the prison facility and necessary clues vital to the escape. 一名无辜的男子被诬陷为副总统兄弟的凶杀犯,并计划在超级最高监狱被处决。他的弟弟决定用自己的天才计划拯救他:通过持枪抢劫银行而被捕入狱,和哥哥关在同一银行。并且,在服刑最后一个月,一步一步地启动逃生计划,使两人都得以脱身。他的全身纹身作为向导地图,纹身隐藏了监狱设施的布局和必要的线索,对逃生至关重要。

The heaven is but one remove from the hell. Love stands between them.


I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.


We are the captives of our own identities, living in the prison of our own creation. 我们是自我的迷恋着,生活在自己创造的围城里。

Cause you got college? Big school learnin', huh? Well, let me school you. Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein, Darwin.


When you get to the end, you start to realize what's important to you, who really matters to you. In the end, the only thing that matters is love, blood, family, you.

林肯:"直到你生命的最后一刻 你才会意识到什么东西是对你最重要的,什么人是对你最重要的。 临刑之前,我唯一在乎的只有爱,血缘,家人,还有你。

这部剧放在众多优秀的美剧当中显得是比较平庸的。它探讨的东西并不多,主要目标就是锁定观众的肾上腺素。越狱类题材,应该难再有作品能超出《肖申克的救赎》的高度了。《越狱》是很多人的美剧启蒙剧,这部剧节奏紧张,剧情跌宕起伏,引人入胜,其塑造的角色每个都各领风骚,特别令人不忘的应该是智商超群,勇谋齐备的高材生迈克尔和超级变态男T-bag了。Michael 是优秀到极致,Teabag邪魅到极致。令人回味的,就是窝在宿舍和室友们一起喝冷饮,吃西瓜,看《越狱》的快乐日子了。

